Mod Applied Mekanistics by ramidzkh

  • Applied Mekanistics by ramidzkh

    The official Mekanism support addon for AE2
    • 5939135
    • 173.28 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • January 29, 2022
    • September 2, 2023
    • Applied Energistics 2
    Applied Mekanistics
Mod Information
NameApplied MekanisticsAuthorramidzkhDescriptionThe official Mekanism support addon for AE2
InformationDownloads: 5939135
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 173.28 KB
Updated at: September 2, 2023
Created at: January 29, 2022
Applied Energistics 2

Applied Mekanistics

The official Mekanism support addon for AE2. Please report issues on the issue tracker. Join the AE2 discord server for discussion.

This is a Forge mod for 1.18.2 which requires both AE2 and Mekanism.

Chemical support

Applied Mekanistics adds chemical support to existing AE2 devices. For example, this means that you can put an import bus on a chemical tank, export bus on a chemical tank, storage bus on a radioactive waste barrel, attach pressurized tubes to interfaces or use chemicals in crafting recipes.

Chemical cells

Applied Mekanistics also adds 1k, 4k, 16k and 64k chemical storage cells. You can now store gasses in your ME Drives! Do however note that they don't support radioactive gasses!

Chemical P2P tunnels

Applied Mekanistics adds Chemical P2P Tunnels for high-throughput chemical transfer. Simply right click any Mekanism chemical tank on a P2P tunnel to convert it.

QIO support for Storage Bus

Applied Mekanistics also allows the Storage Bus to interact with the contents of a QIO frequency. Just place the storage bus on the side of a QIO Dashboard.


To create a chemical housing, you'll need to use Osmium ingots instead of Iron or Copper ingots

The housing can be combined with a cell component to craft a storage cell