Mod Archer's Paradox by TeamCoFH

  • Archer's Paradox by TeamCoFH

    Arrows! And archery stuff in general.
    • 18738546
    • 186.53 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • December 2, 2019
    • September 19, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Thermal Expansion
    Archer's Paradox
Mod Information
NameArcher's ParadoxAuthorTeamCoFHDescriptionArrows! And archery stuff in general.
InformationDownloads: 18738546
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 186.53 KB
Updated at: September 19, 2023
Created at: December 2, 2019
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Thermal Expansion

Active Development: Minecraft 1.18.2

Website: Team CoFH

Discord: Team CoFH Discord

Archer's Paradox adds a bunch of new arrows, appropriate for both lightly and heavily modded gameplay.

This mod requires CoFH Core. It can be found here: CoFH Core


  • Client: archers_paradox-client.toml file located in /config
  • Server: archers_paradox-server.toml located in the /saves/WORLD_NAME/serverconfigs folder.

Copying this file to your /defaultconfigs folder will apply those configs to all newly created worlds.

Dedicated servers will have this file in /world/serverconfigs


This section describes features available for the version under active development. Older versions may have different features.


  • Diamond: 2x Damage, +1 Pierce, +1 Knockback
  • Prismarine: No water slowdown; reduced gravity in water.
  • Quartz: 1.25x Damage, +1 Knockback
  • Blaze: Burns target and ignites radius around it.
  • Frost: Chills target and freezes area around it.
  • Lightning: Calls down a lightning bolt, if it hits outside.
  • Ender: Teleports player to location; or swaps places with the target.
  • Explosive: This one is obvious.
  • Phantasmal: Flies through blocks, unlimited pierce, ignores gravity and armor. Glows.
  • Shulker: Homes in on a target; levitation status effect.
  • Slime: Ricochets and has lots of knockback. (A personal favorite.)
  • Redstone: Generates a redstone signal in a large area for 10 seconds.
  • Glowstone: Lights up an area for 10 seconds.
  • Disruption: Creates a temporary area which teleports things away.
  • Spore: Transforms Dirt and Grass into Mycelium in an area.
  • Verdant: Transforms Dirt into Grass in an area. Also grows crops/plants.
  • Training: No damage, stacks a "Hit Streak" effect, for practice. Distance matters!
  • Challenge: No damage, stacks "Archer's Gambit" effect. XP for maintaining hit streak. Distance matters!

There is one creative tab, currently with only the arrows. More content (quivers, archery-themed blocks, etc) will be developed!

For those of you who may recognize some of these icons from another archery themed mod - Bullseye - Forstride has very graciously given me permission to carry the quiver forward as it were. Frankly, we had a lot of similar ideas (although mechanically different execution) and Bullseye has excellent artwork that deserves to live on in 1.14+.
