Mod Archimedes' Ships by _ForgeUser6815172

  • Archimedes' Ships by _ForgeUser6815172

    Craft and create your own ship... And sail it across the seven seas!
    • 239.73 KB
    • 1.7.10
    • March 19, 2014
    • July 6, 2014
    • Ores and Resources
      Player Transport
    Archimedes' Ships
Mod Information
NameArchimedes' ShipsAuthor_ForgeUser6815172DescriptionCraft and create your own ship... And sail it across the seven seas!
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 239.73 KB
Updated at: July 6, 2014
Created at: March 19, 2014
Ores and Resources
Player Transport

Archimedes' Ships by BalkondeurAlpha features self-designed ships that can actually sail the seven seas.


  • It is also possible to build air ships and take it into the skies.
  • Simply add a ship's helm to whatever construction to start sailing it.
  • Add measurement gauges to keep an eye on your direction and velocity.
  • High ease of use and no expensive items required.
  • Extensive configuration file included to use the mod as you like it.
  • Minecraft Forge mod, both single and multiplayer.


  • Requires Minecraft Forge, so install that first.
  • Move the downloaded ArchimedesShips-*.jar to the %appdata%/.minecraft/mods/ folder.
  • (Optional) Edit the configuration file for custom settings. (.minecraft/config/ArchimedesShips.cfg)
  • Enjoy!