Mod Artis-Recrafted by DaFuqsy
- 6.88 MB
- 1.19.2
- January 29, 2022
- July 9, 2023
- Server UtilityUtility & QoL
Name | Artis-Recrafted | Author | DaFuqsy | Description | Configurable Crafting Tables for up to 9x9 in size |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 6.88 MB Updated at: July 9, 2023 Created at: January 29, 2022 | Tags | Server Utility Utility & QoL |
A continuation of Artis, found at updated for Minecraft 1.18.
Artis Recrafted is a utility mod for modpack creators. It allows pack devs to register their own custom crafting tables with configurable size and a catalyst slot.
Information on how to set up the config and create recipes can be found on the wiki at
With Artis-Recrafted you can define your own crafting blocks via config: Crafting height, width, material and a lot of other properties can be defined.
Supports both shaped and unshaped recipes.
There is full support for Roughly Enough Items and NBT crafting. Additionally, you can define a catalyst slot for all crafting blocks.
A catalyst can be anything: A stack of items, durability used for a breakable tool or everything else that adds support via Artis-Recrafteds API.