Mod Attribute Fix {FABRIC} by Flytre7
- 13.39 KB
- 1.18.1
- November 23, 2020
- December 21, 2021
- Server Utility
Name | Attribute Fix {FABRIC} | Author | Flytre7 | Description | Fabric Port of Attribute Fix |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.1 Size: 13.39 KB Updated at: December 21, 2021 Created at: November 23, 2020 | Tags | Server Utility |
Minecraft caps your attributes artificially. This means above that cap you don't get any bonuses from your attributes. This mod fixes that!
For example:
-Your health is capped at just 2048 max health!
-You can only have 2048 attack damage
-You can only have 30 armor!
These are just a few examples this mod fixes!
Although modifiers might bring your attributes above this value, Minecraft will just ignore them above a certain limit which this mod raises to a much larger number.
Additionally, Minecraft caps the effectiveness of armor and protection to an 80% damage reduction. As of 1.0.1, your bonus armor/protection above 20 will be converted to extra points above this 80% cap (getting ever closer but never approaching 100%)
Fabric API is not required.