Mod Auto Ore Dictionary Converter by MattDahEpic
- 4848073
- 35.36 KB
- 1.19.2
- July 12, 2015
- April 22, 2023
- Server Utility
Mod Information
Name | Auto Ore Dictionary Converter | Author | MattDahEpic | Description | Automatically converts items to their configured ore dictionary counterparts |
Information | Downloads: 4848073 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 35.36 KB Updated at: April 22, 2023 Created at: July 12, 2015 | Tags | Server Utility |
Simply install, boot, and run the /odc add command while holding the item you want other types of that item to convert to and you'll shortly be converting items in no time.
Example: hold a thermal expansion copper ingot and run /odc add. Now, all other types of copper (railcraft,ic2,etc) will be converted whenever you have them.
Conversion Config Format (for pack makers):
# to convert all items from a tag to a specific item (eg. forge:ores/iron=minecraft:iron_ore)
# to convert one specific item to another (eg. minecraft:diamond>minecraft:netherite_ingot)
This mod is also available on Modrinth at
For those not installing via the CurseForge launcher, you will also need to install MDECore.