Mod Awesome Dungeon Nether edition - Forge by jtl_elisa
- 1643789
- 229.16 KB
- 1.20.1
- January 11, 2022
- June 20, 2023
- AddonsAdventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Name | Awesome Dungeon Nether edition - Forge | Author | jtl_elisa | Description | Add awesome dungeon in your Nether ! |
Information | Downloads: 1643789 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 229.16 KB Updated at: June 20, 2023 Created at: January 11, 2022 | Tags | Addons Adventure and RPG Structures World Gen |
⚠️ This mod is for Forge, you can find the Fabric version here:
📦 This mod requires "Library ferret", download it here:
This mod adds structures/dungeons to your Nether. Dungeons have mobspawner and chests with loot, In the last versions 3.1.1 we removed the diamond block, emerald block and gold block, because they were too cheat, so we removed them for a better experience.
- Obsidian Palace
- Obsidian House
- Square
- Tower Blaze
- Giant Crimson tree
- Accum
Note: a big redesign of the dungeons is planned soon :) no date for the moment, because we still need to improve the mechanics.
Please support me on Patreon if you like my content! Many thanks to my patrons:
Elias Rose, Ion Thruster, Praetor's Rejects, Jay Thompson, venem fun, Creative Matthew, Vruth@, LilliePadd, Tishbyte, EbolaChansoKawaii, M Bochem, Spencer Gilbert, Markus B., Telum,