Mod Balanced Crates by LettuceMuncher

  • Balanced Crates by LettuceMuncher

    Nifty storage blocks that make good decorations.
    • 1.19 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • July 8, 2022
    • August 29, 2023
    • Redstone
    Balanced Crates
Mod Information
NameBalanced CratesAuthorLettuceMuncherDescriptionNifty storage blocks that make good decorations.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 1.19 MB
Updated at: August 29, 2023
Created at: July 8, 2022


📖 About Balanced Crates: This mod adds new vanilla-friendly crate blocks. Crates have large amounts of storage compared to single chests. Crates can also be used as building blocks/decorations. Crates are designed to be vanilla-friendly chest alternatives that allow compact storage. Crates come in every wood type.


📦Storage Applications: While a single chest has 27 storage slots, crates have an inventory of 60 slots! This allows for highly compacted storage. Right-clicking on a crate will manually open it, allowing any player to take from it's inventory.  A player will be able to tell if a crate is open if the top lid is removed. A crate can then be closed by pressing the "Close Crate" button within the crate's GUI.


🏠Decorative Applications: Crates can easily be used as decorative blocks in many situations. a crate's texture is based upon what wood type is used to craft it, giving the player more option when building with wood. A crate can also be rotated much like a furnace, allowing the player to create patterns. A crate's open state can also be used in many ways.


🔌Redstone Applications: Being storage blocks, crates can be used in place of a chest in any redstone situation where a chest might be needed. This allows for higher amounts of storage and enables the player to make much more compact machines.







  • Will there be a fabric port for this mod? - Yes
  • Will this mod be updated to 1.20? - Yes
  • Can I used this in my modpack? - Yes
  • Can I redistribute this mod? - No


📃Support: If you experience any problems while using this mod let me know through the issue tracker. If you have any feature suggestions let me know in the comments!



This mod requires Forge Mod Loader!