Mod Banded Torches by PixelGameWizard

  • Banded Torches by PixelGameWizard

    Simple mod that adds colourful torch variants!
    • 227.60 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 30, 2020
    • June 16, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Banded Torches
Mod Information
NameBanded TorchesAuthorPixelGameWizardDescriptionSimple mod that adds colourful torch variants!
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 227.60 KB
Updated at: June 16, 2023
Created at: July 30, 2020

Note: The most recent documentation can be found on the project's GitHub page. The documentation provided here is for the reader's convenience only.

PixelGameWizard's Banded Torches

Picture of banded torches

Brief Description

This is a minimal Minecraft mod that adds new types of torches to the game.


Have you ever gone adventuring with a friend and wished you had a way to tell your paths apart? Or that you had a cheap and movable material with which to plan building foundations? Well then this might be the mod for you! With this mod you can craft torches with colourful bands on them. What those bands are used for is completely up to you!


Simply combine a torch and a dye into a crafting grid. That's it!


If you don't want the band on your torch anymore, you can place your banded torch into a crafting grid and recover the normal torch.


You can copy a band from one torch over to another. You don't need one dye per torch.


The same pattern will work for soul torches, unless you've customized the recipes through a data pack to work in some other way.


The configuration file was removed from the 1.16.5 version. If you want to change the icons or disable certain recipes, you can now do so through custom data packs!

Note that the torch item icons are deliberately offset upward a little bit so that the band is more clearly visible (especially if you have more than double digits of that item), so be warned before changing them. :-)


Are there any dependencies?

Generally you will need the most recent stable/recommended Forge version. I might add optional mod dependencies sometime in the future, but my intention is to keep this mod free of required mod dependencies.

Are there any incompatibilities?

There are no incompatibilities that I am aware of at the time of writing. I expect that the banded torches added by this mod might not adopt functionality from other mods added to normal torches, but you might try it anyway just to see.

Will you be backporting/updating this mod to Minecraft version X?

I will not be backporting to previous versions.

Miscellaneous Information

The mod is provided as-is without guarantee or warranty of any kind. I strongly suggest backing up existing worlds before installing any mod.

Please go ahead and use this in modpacks, Youtube videos, Twitch streams, etc. I'd be happy if you let me know that you at least like the mod, but it isn't absolutely essential.

If you find problems or have questions, the best place for letting me know is the project's GitHub page.