Mod Base Metals by jriwanek
- 3.38 MB
- 1.12.2
- January 20, 2016
- May 18, 2019
- API and LibraryArmor, Tools, and WeaponsOres and ResourcesTechnology
Name | Base Metals | Author | jriwanek | Description | Adds many common metals and alloys to Minecraft, such as copper, silver, and steel. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 3.38 MB Updated at: May 18, 2019 Created at: January 20, 2016 | Tags | API and Library Armor, Tools, and Weapons Ores and Resources Technology |
Base Metals
Warning: As of Minecraft 1.9.4, Base Metals requires the mod MMD Ore Spawn to generate ores in your world.
Notice: Base Metals 2.5.0-beta5 and earlier for Minecraft 1.12 requires that you *disable* the Thermal Expansion Plugin in the config file to work with the latest versions of Thermal Expansion, this has been fixed in beta6.
This mod adds historically commonly used metals to Minecraft, specifically Silver, Copper, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Mercury, Nickel & Platinum. You will also craft a number of metal alloys in this mod and there's a new tool that lets you double your ore production: the Crack Hammer.
Fantasy metals have been added to the Nether and the End: Cold Iron, Mithril, Adamantine, and Star Steel
Talk to the devs on Discord: here
Related Mods
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Jriwanek's End Metals:
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Metals and Alloys
Natural Metals
Copper: Copper is soft, easy to work, and fairly abundant. It is needed to make bronze and brass metal alloys.
Silver: Silver is a soft, shiney metal that is valued for both is beauty and its alchemical uses.
Tin: Tin is an extremely soft metal that is not useful by itself, but can be combined with copper to make bronze, a metal alloy nearly as strong as iron.
Lead: Lead is a very soft metal that is best known for being very heavy and somewhat toxic. Lead tools are fragile, but can dish out a lot of damage when used as weapons.
Zinc: Like tin, zinc is worthless on its own, but can be used to make the metal ally brass.
Mercury: This toxic liquid metal has many alchemical uses. The Mirthril metal alloys requires mercury.
Nickel: This metal is as soft as copper, but it has alchemical properties, forms the invar metal alloy when mixed with iron and forms the cupronickel metal alloy when mixed with copper.
Platinum: Mostly decorative but can be used to make other equipment.
Metal Alloys
Metal alloys are made by crafting together the powdered forms of the required metals, and then smelting the resulting alloy blend in a furnace.
Cupronickel: alloy of copper and nickel (2:1 ratio)
Bronze: This alloy of copper and tin (3:1 ratio) is as hard as iron, but not quite as durable.
Brass: This alloy of copper and zinc (2:1 ratio) is soft, but has a beautiful golden color.
Steel: This alloy of iron and carbon (Coal dust or Charcoal Dust) (8:1 ratio) is as hard as iron and much more durable.
Invar: This alloy of iron and nickel (2:1 ratio) is harder than steel, but less durable.
Electrum: This alloy of silver and gold (1:1 ratio) can be enchanted like gold, but is slightly more durable.
Fantasy Metals
Aquarium: Aquarium is a magical alloy of copper, zinc, and prismarine crystals (2:1:3 ratio). Aquarium is highly enchantable and tools made of aquarium deal extra damage to aquatic mobs. Wearing a full suit of aquarium armor allows you to breath under water.
Cold-Iron (found in the Nether): Cold-Iron is a magical metal that is as strong as iron. Tools made from Cold Iron are extra effective against denizens of the Nether and any creature that is immune to fire.
Adamantine (found in the Nether): Adamantine is a rare magical metal that is as strong as diamond, maybe even stronger. Armor made from Adamantine grants resistance to damage and tools made from adamantine are extra effective against monsters that have more than 10 hearts of health.
Mithril: Mithril is an alloy of alloy of silver, mercury, and cold-iron (2:1:1 ratio). It is as strong as steel and Mithral weapons are extra effective against undead.
Star-Steel (found in the End): Armor made from Star Steel reduces the weight of the wearer, allowing the wearer to jump higher and fall slower. Star-Steel tools slowly repair themselves while held.
Crack Hammer
Also known as a sledgehammer, this tool is designed for pulverizing rocks. Using this tool on ores will cause them to drop powdered metal instead of the standard ore block. Use can then use the powdered metals to make metal alloy mixes or just smelt the powder into ingots. You can crush items by dropping them on the ground and then right-clicking on the ground beneath the items.
This mod requires that you install Minecraft Forge version 1.8- or later (earlier versions of Forge for Minecraft 1.8 may work, but no guarantees).
After you have successfully installed Forge, simply place the file basemetals-#.#.#.jar in your mods folder. You can get the basemetals-#.#.jar file from the Releases tab of this repository page.
The Crack Hammer recipes from this mod will appear in NEI if you have NEI installed. Hooray!
Check the developer releases to download the files basemetals-#.#.#-dev.jar, basemetals-#.#.#-src.jar, basemetals-#.#.#-javadoc.jar. In your Eclipse project (and build.gradle file), add basemetals-#.#.#-dev.jar as a library dependency. All items and blocks can be conveniently accessed via classes in the cyano.basemetals.init package. New recipes for the Crack Hammer can be added via the cyano.basemetals.registry.CrusherRecipeRegistry class.
Q: Why make this mod?
A: Minecraft appears to have a pre-industrial fantasy setting, but the fantasy literature (and pre-industrial history) is full of references to silver and copper as well as gold.
Q: What does the Crack Hammer do?
A: When you break ores with the Crack Hammer, you get two piles of metal powders instead of a single block of ore. This is necessary to make metal alloys, which is done by combining the powders of the verious components and then smelting the alloy mix. You can also drop items and blocks on the floor and crush them with the Crack Hammer by right-clicking the floor directly under the item.
Q: Why isn't adamantine red?
A: Because this isn't Terraria. The fantasy metals in this mod are inspired by Dungeons & Dragons, not video games.
Q:Help! I can't get it to work, it keeps crashing!
A:There are log-files that we need - they contain the data about the crash and let us know a great deal about the cause. Please have them available when reporting crashes to us - Pastebin, Hastebin and the "gist" system of Github are wonderful for making them available. Don't worry about annoying us - we want people to use our mods and if they are filled with bugs, people won't use them - so we enjoy hearing about bugs so we can fix them and give you a better experience!
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