Mod Baubley Elytra by jbredwards
- 21.30 KB
- 1.12.2
- August 12, 2022
- February 16, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsPlayer TransportUtility & QoL
Name | Baubley Elytra | Author | jbredwards | Description | Fixes lots of bugs with Baubles & Lets players put their elytra in the baubles body slot! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 21.30 KB Updated at: February 16, 2023 Created at: August 12, 2022 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Player Transport Utility & QoL |
A very light-weight mod that lets players put their elytra in the baubles body slot. The bauble slots elytra can be put in is configurable.
This mod has to be installed on both the client & server to work, it also requires Baubles (duh).
Baubley Elytra also fixes the following bugs with Baubles (as of the latest version):
-The Baubles inventory button can now be accessed through the creative inventory!
-When a player dies, all of the items within the Baubles inventory will be properly added to the player.capturedDrops list, this has the following effects:
-Baubles item drops can now be manipulated by other mods using the PlayerDropsEvent (this fixes a lot of mod compat bugs in of itself, mainly with gravestone mods).
-Dropped player loot item entities created from items within Baubles slots are now consistent with vanilla's item entity placement & other logic.
-Item capabilities are no longer desynced with the client when equipping a Bauble that has any.
-Many more enchantments (including modded ones, like Soulbound) now work with items in baubles slots (the key ones being Mending, Curse of Binding, and Curse of Vanishing).
- Colytra (doesn't make sense to have both mods since they practically achieve the same goal tbh (though this mod is better at it imo 😉), nevertheless figured it was worth mentioning)
This mod will not be ported, for mods with similar functionality on later versions check out Elytra Slot (Forge) or Elytra Slot (Fabric).