Mod Beast Slayer by UnOriginal_1
- 871667
- 4.34 MB
- 1.12.2
- August 21, 2021
- August 27, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMobs
Name | Beast Slayer | Author | UnOriginal_1 | Description | New threads and creatures into minecraft! (Previously known as Ancient Beasts) |
Information | Downloads: 871667 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 4.34 MB Updated at: August 27, 2023 Created at: August 21, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Magic Mobs |
This mod aims to bring new and interesting RPG-like creatures to minecraft
We are searching for translators and someone to help us design new sounds for creatures, make sure to contact us in our discord server to help us make Beast Slayer better in every aspect possible!
We hit 850K downloads incredible!
- Bonepile
Sometimes the best offensive is a great defense, and that is exactly what bonepile does, he will move you to a random spot nearby if he hits you with the spike that comes from his torso, if there are mobs nearby it will shure mean trouble!
- Bones
- A Kunai, have you heard of Scorpion from MK?
- Bouldering zombie
Straight from mc earth! well... kinda, this underground zombie is capable of climbing walls and can bury itself underground waiting for its prey, they rarely spawn with a mining helmet you could get your hands on...
- Everything a common zombie would
- A Mining Helmet, with some luck and if it has one equipped.
- Damcell
A fearsome creature found deep underground, what they are and how they got there is still a mystery, any unlucky traveller who find themselves facing one should stay away if unprepared, armor won't help you against this creature and many arrogant adventurers found their demise while facing one.
- A bunch of iron.
- Spikes which can be used to make traps.
- Frostash fox
Ain't they cute? These friends spawn on the snowy biomes of the overworld, they love to sleep and hunt down chickens and bunnies, be careful tho, they don't like strangers and can attack you if they feel nervous with the spikes on their body.
- It is tameable, and will drop its spikes periodically and defend it's owner but only a cub of two tamed foxes will follow its owner.
- Can you get all the variants?
- Frostwalker
These zombies shure are tough! they have been frozen and left behind, but now they are back and ready to chill out any adventurer who passes nearby. Don't let theiir look deceit you, they will quickly ambush their prey if it is vulnerable.
- The frost wand: A magic wand made out of the ice that covers the frostwalker
- Ice spikes
- Rotten flesh
- Potatos or Carrots (sometimes)
- Giant
Bigger, stronger and maybe dumber, the giant is a huge zombie that can put up a fight, he may not be fast but he packs a punch! Watch out, don't let him grab you or you'll likely perish.
- A ton of rotten flesh
- Leather
- The Tough Glove: A gauntlet that can push your foes very far.
- Ghost
They are spirits that appear on the roofed forests, some people say they are evil spirits filled with anger others say they are just pranksters. They can possess living beings and make them move around like crazy, luckily they don't seem to be quite good at keeping them under their control.
- Ectoplasm, a substance that can be used to make a potion on a brewing stand
- Little Vessel
Have you ever wanted to make your own tiny army? Don't worry we got you covered, with little vessels you might have what you need, these highly customizable buddies can help you in battle or protect places assigned to them, even from players!
- Customizable: Give your army their own goodies from armor to swords or bows most of them work!
- A true survivor: Did your vessel died in the battle?, worry not! pick up his item and you can get him back to the fight, can be done up to six times!
- Guard: Do you want them to protect your home? We got you covered! Shift and right-click them with an empty hand to send them to patrol the place around them. (they won't follow you if you do this).
- Healing: This guys are living puppets and require ectoplasm to heal when damaged, wonder how that works...
- Attacks Intruders!: If you play with friends and don't want them to steal stuff from you give your vessel some gunpowder! that will make him hostile towards players that ain't their owner, this can be undone by giving them sugar (this works while shifting).
- How do you get one of these?: Go to the dark oak forest, find a circus and beat a vessel (check down for more info), simple right?
- Nekros
These evil remnants of ancient necromancers lurk within the darkest spots of dark forests on the night, he will make the fallen rise from their graves! Make shure to keep an eye on them and send them back to the grave where they belong.
- Dark essence: A potion ingredient with magical capabilities, make a potion to become like an undead and harness their power!
- Netherhound
These fiery creatures native to the nether can shure put up a fight, they shure seem to have a bone to pick with us, they are prideful and cranky and won't let themselves be tamed, at least not without taking quite a beat up, after that they might seem more compliant to letting themselves be tamed. But don't misunderstand some things... you are not the owner of a netherhound, you are a protected of the netherhound.
- Bones
- Charred fur: it can be used to craft a cloak that might make some predators not so hostile towards the player.
- Owlstack
These little hooters live in the deeps of the birch forest, protecting animals and nearby travellers from hostile creatures making a powerful screech that scares them away, a traveler can befriend them by giving them sticks which they use to build the armor that surrounds their bodies, let them take a ride on top of your head!.
- Sticks
- Feathers
Why hunt one of these when you can just befriend them? They will try their best to protect you from mobs
- Rifted Enderman
This Enderman went somewhere he wasn't meant to go, and found something he wasn't meant to find, now he might be a bit more powerful than your average enderman, be careful when fighting them, their crystal armor will make even the strongest hit just a scratch for them, you must learn when to strike and retreat if you want to make it out alive. (Pro tip: Hit them while they glow, that will cause his armor to eventually break completely).
Rifted Ender Pearl: Teleport a random amount of items or a creature to the spot this pearl falls, can also be used to make a very peculiar potion.
- Sandmonster
Or Sandy for short! This strange yet powerful creature is found rarely (really rare) during thunderstorms in deserts, if a traveller has lots of meat to spare it can be tamed, but be careful, she might not be that welcoming...
- Sandmonster Scales: Resistant material that can be used to craft a unique outfit.
(This creature is inspired from Guardian Tales)
- Vessel
Are you afraid of puppets? I hope not because this little prankster here is ready to make you suffer, long forgotten in a circus in the dark oak forest this mysterious puppet roams arround the now lonely place he used to make shows in. Some people say this puppet only moves durign night, wonder if those rumors are true...
- A bunch of strings
- Ectoplasm
- The Vessel himself, do you want to become a puppeteer?
- Zealot
He is a long forgoten high rank evoker from an ancient illager empire, whatever these dark magic wielding wizards were in contact with led them to a fate worse than death. They can protect other mobs from getting hurt by players or basically anything, if you want to make it out alive on an encounter with these you might need to take them out first.
- Emeralds
- Several bones
- The Occult Tome, a book that grants temporal invincibility
Wanna see what's next?, make shure to check out our discord server!
Special Thanks:
- KMEHSilhouette, geeky_kappa (Chinese translation)
- Dannybutcool (Spanish from Argentina translation)
Feel free to add this mod to your modpack, made videos with it, etc. Reuploads of this mod are not allowed. Do not download this outside of curseforge (I only post mods here).
IMPORTANT: This mod is not mcreator.