Mod Bed Bugs by gr8pefish
- 16.96 KB
- 1.12.2
- December 3, 2016
- June 28, 2017
- Miscellaneous
Name | Bed Bugs | Author | gr8pefish | Description | Adds some tools to kick the player when sleeping, fixing the vanilla bug of being stuck in a bed. Also adds chat persistence upon awakening. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 16.96 KB Updated at: June 28, 2017 Created at: December 3, 2016 | Tags | Miscellaneous |
Bed Bugs
A simple mod that adds some tools (such as a button to the sleeping GUI and a command), allowing a player to kick themselves from the server (and therefore their bed).
This fixes the annoying issue of being stuck in a bed, a vanilla Minecraft bug, without having to completely restart the game.
Also adds persistent chat, allowing you to continue typing, uninterrupted, after waking up from a bed (another vanilla "bug").
Kick Button
(Requires Bed Bugs to be installed on the client)
When you typically press 'Leave Bed', that is exactly what you expect to happen. And, assuming that is the case (as it usually is), then this mod won't do a thing, staying nice and unobtrusive.
If however, you press the 'Leave Bed' button and you don't leave the bed, a button will pop up, allowing you to kick yourself from the server.
- If you were playing Singleplayer
- You will be redirected back to the Singleplayer world selection screen.
- If you were playing on a server
- You will be redirected back to the Multiplayer server selection screen.
The button also has a tooltip describing its actions in-game, to explain what it does when clicked. It will appear after hovering your mouse over the 'Kick Me' button for a short while.
Here's a quick [0:17] video demonstration. Note that the player goes from being stuck in a bed to back in-game ready to play in only 5 seconds.
*The 'Leave Bed' button not working as it normally does is just some temporary code I used to make this video possible.
Kick Command
(Requires Bed Bugs to be installed on the server if using a dedicated server/playing Multiplayer)
Bed bugs just adds one command (with tab completion).
/bedbugs kick [player]
This kicks the player specified. If no one is specified, it will attempt to kick the command sender.
Persistent Chat
(Requires Bed Bugs to be installed on the client)
Typically, if you start typing a message in chat, and then finish sleeping and wake up, your message disappears forever. Bed Bugs fixes that, allowing any half completed messages to stay so that you don't have to retype anything.
Client/Server Side Only
You don't necessarily have to install Bed Bugs on both the client and the server. You will probably just want to install it on both, but here are the details for those interested:
- Client (with Bed Bugs) -> connecting to -> Server (with Bed Bugs)
- The button, command, and chat persistence work.
- Probably the best and simplest option.
- Client (with Bed Bugs) -> connecting to -> Server (without Bed Bugs)
- Only the button and chat persistence work.
- Useful as any client can connect and still use the button without the server needing to add any mods.
- Client (without Bed Bugs) -> connecting to -> Server (with Bed Bugs)
- Only the command works.
- Useful as the command can still be used to escape from beds, and it doesn't require the client to install any more mods.
Bug Reports
- Please report them on the issue tracker. Feedback and feature requests should also be directed there.
Open Source
- Yes please, feel free to include this in any normal, non-monetary (i.e. EULA-compliant) modpack. All I ask is that you provide me feedback if you have any (both good and bad). Thanks, and enjoy!
Contact Me
- What works best for me is either through the messaging system here on CurseForge, or on IRC on channel #gr8pefish, or on the typical modded MC Discord channels (e.g. MMD).
- If you like my work and want to help out, please consider donating. I would sincerely appreciate it and could definitely use the support! Thanks :)
Check out my other mods!