Mod Better Animations Collection by Fuzs

  • Better Animations Collection by Fuzs

    Changing the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects.
    • 4293184
    • 184.97 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 10, 2019
    • June 27, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      Utility & QoL
    Better Animations Collection
Mod Information
NameBetter Animations CollectionAuthorFuzsDescriptionChanging the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects.
InformationDownloads: 4293184
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 184.97 KB
Updated at: June 27, 2023
Created at: June 10, 2019
Utility & QoL

📖 About:

The Better Animations Collection aims to improve the atmosphere of Minecraft by changing the in-game models to allow for better animations and subtle effects. It seeks to give a more realistic feel to parts of the game that can benefit from it, like simulating physics and making model parts move that normally don't.

📚 Contents:

Wiggly Ghast Tentacles divides ghast tentacles into parts and makes them wiggle realistically, like those tentacle monsters you always see at the movies. Makes them a little more scary, but ultimately nicer to look at.

Squiggly Squid Tentacles gives a jellyfish-like effect to the swimming animation of squids. Also makes their tentacles flow more while moving.

Playful Doggy changes wolf tails to be fluffier and flowier, wagging realistically while they stand and run. Also makes tamed wolves lie down instead of sitting. Hold up some meat and they'll roll over, too.

Flowy Ocelot Tail takes away the stick tails of the current ocelots and gives them something nicer instead. Fully animated flowing tails that move while they stand or run.

Curly Cat Tail brings those beautiful animated flowing tails ocelots are so proud to have to cats as well. And that's not all; they even curl around their bodies when they sit!

Oinky Pig adds a very subtle animation, makes a pig's snout move when it oinks. It only moves up and down ever so slightly, but it's there. Just a little bit more life for your livestock. And don't you forget about the floaty ears! Pretty big for such a small animal.

Wobbly Cow Udder makes the udders on cows wobble around when they walk. Also makes their udders have nipples, but if you're sensitive to that kind of thing those can be deactivated.

Bucka Bucka Chicken makes chicken's bills open and close when they cluck. The bill is also a lot more slim, so no more confusing chickens with ducks! And when they strut their heads move back and forth, the wattles under the bill swing around and their wings flap a little. Just like the real deal!

Wiggly Villager Nose does a subtle change, this makes villagers wiggle their big noses whenever they make their unique "hmmm" sound! It's a small change, but who doesn't get a kick out of it?

Wiggly Iron Golem Nose is exactly the same as above, except for iron golems! Since they don't make any noise the nose wiggles around when they're hurt instead.

Jiggly Liquidy Slime brings a pleasing visual change: This makes the insides of slimes flow around like liquid. They splish-splosh about even more when they jump. The eyes, the mouth, and the core itself all move independently.

Magma Cube Burger adds a custom death animation to magma cubes, which causes their bodies to form into a pile of steamy, delicious hamburger patties when they die. Unfortunately, you can't eat them because they're way too hot.

Spider Knees are a truly stunning visual addition. Spiders now finally have the knees they've always dreamed of. Also affects cave spiders.

Wobbly Creeper wakes some memories of that very popular music video from way back in the day by the one and only CaptainSparklez. Remember the really cute wobbly Creeper? Well, it's in the game now. The full thing, the real deal, exactly like the video. Probably the best custom animation in the entire collection.

Arm Flailing Enderman makes an angry enderman wave its arms around wildly while chasing its target. Suits their twisted nature very well: wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube endermen!

Animated Snow Man Stick makes a snowman's arm swing when it throws a snowball.

Kneeling Sheep is pretty kneat. It makes sheep actually bend down to eat grass. It's no longer just their head lowering, their whole body lowers down to get a sweet sample of that succulent cellulose. Did you notice their KNEES bend, too when they kneel?

Familiar Horse makes horses more lively again, just like they used to be in older versions. Does this by adding back their mouth and knees while staying true to the vanilla model style.

Spitful Llama makes llamas open their mouth when spitting. How have they been doing that before?!

Bending Humanoid Knees makes the knees of zombie-like as well as piglin-like mobs bend when they walk around. Looks pretty fluid and nice. You'll like it, trust me.

📷 Media:

Bucka Bucka Chicken    Kneeling Sheep
Oinky Pigs    Wobbly Cow Udder
Familiar Horses    Spitful Llama
Wiggly Villager Nose    Wiggly Iron Golem Nose
Curly Cat Tails    Flowy Ocelot Tail
Playful Doggies    Animated Snow Man Stick
Spider Knees    Jiggly Liquidy Slime
Arm Flailing Endermen    Wobbly Creeper
Squiggly Squid Tentacles    Bending Humanoid Knees
Wiggly Ghast Tentacles    Magma Cube Burger
Trailer by Loook's    Review by JKapGaming
Review by CavemanFilms    Review by Sky Does Everything
Review by YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon    Review by CaptainSparklez
Review by DanTDM    Review by iHasCupquake

💡 FAQ:

Q: How do I configure this mod?
A: Install my Config Menus for Forge mod and do it directly in-game!

Q: Does this work with custom resource packs?
A: Yes! Everything in the Better Animations Collection is constructed from vanilla resources, not a single additional texture is used.

🏆 Credits:

Developing the Better Animations Collection was helped and inspired by:
