Mod Better Displays by windanesz

  • Better Displays by windanesz

    A mod adding various decorative items to the game including modular display cases, book holders and more
    • 94.13 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • August 12, 2021
    • December 30, 2022
    • Cosmetic
    Better Displays
Mod Information
NameBetter DisplaysAuthorwindaneszDescriptionA mod adding various decorative items to the game including modular display cases, book holders and more
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 94.13 KB
Updated at: December 30, 2022
Created at: August 12, 2021

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Better Displays is a 1.12.2 mod adding various decorative items to the game including modular display cases, book holders, and more upcoming items in the future.

The initial 1.0.0 version introduces the Display Case with 5 variants and the Book Holder.

The display cases can be fully customized allowing the player to change the main material, the glass type, and optionally, add a carpet under the item.


How to rotate and align items


Items can be rotated around two axes to customize how they are displayed in the display cases.

Try clicking on multiple sides of the display case to get the hang of it.


Book Holders


The book holders can hold a single book and currently come in all vanilla wood variants. Most modded books should work without any config tweaking. You can configure what is allowed in a book holder via the configs.



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Stay tuned in my discord to see upcoming features or make your own suggestions!


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