Mod Better End Potato Edition by potato_____boy
- 88.90 MB
- 1.16.5
- February 11, 2023
- September 25, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesOres and ResourcesStructures
Name | Better End Potato Edition | Author | potato_____boy | Description | Fork of betterendforge to fix bugs. Use biomes and structures to decorate and beautify the end. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 88.90 MB Updated at: September 25, 2023 Created at: February 11, 2023 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Biomes Ores and Resources Structures |
Better End Potato Edition
This is a fork of BetterEnd Reforked by someoneelse, which is a fork of BetterEndforge by Beethoven92.
Clean up codes (Suggestions of IDEA) and fix many bugs.
Feel free to report bugs you hate in someoneelse's fork to me on GitHub as I really don't have the energy to deal with [BetterEnd Reforked]'s issues one by one.
Better Nether Potato Edition is not planned, it's too buggy.
This mod adds new biomes into the End and modifying existing ones. Each biome has its own atmosphere, resources and mobs.
Currently, this mod adds:
24 new biomes (more will be added later)
6 new mobs (with biome variations)
Many blocks, including 9 wood types and 7 new stone types
Many items, including new food sources, tools, armor and weapons
New mechanics like rituals, anvil recipes and others
Integrations with other mods, for example 2 new sub-biomes for BYG biomes and some new plants for them
Custom End world generator (configurable) with more possibilities than vanilla one
Extra info
There is a script I wrote that let Endermans drop Chorus Fruit so you won't go crazy about it. Use it with CraftTweaker pls.
If you want to let players spawn in the End, see here for possible help.
Contact (Discord): Kasualix#5415
My other projects: