Mod Better Hurt Timer by Awekyuwusu

  • Better Hurt Timer by Awekyuwusu

    A Minecraft mod that removes damage immunity and fixes hurt animations
    • 695.66 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • June 18, 2020
    • August 28, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Better Hurt Timer
Mod Information
NameBetter Hurt TimerAuthorAwekyuwusuDescriptionA Minecraft mod that removes damage immunity and fixes hurt animations
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 695.66 KB
Updated at: August 28, 2023
Created at: June 18, 2020

"BHT is a mixin (ASM) tweaker mod for minecraft that aims to improve and balance the way damage affects PVP and PVE combat."

"dps weeeeeeeeeeeeeee"


If you are experiencing difficulties (crashes / bugs / etc) consider using nodami instead!


Player combat: Attack Speed matters.

* Before, combat was limited only to how much damage you were able to do in a single hit (implying it ever reaches the target), this not only limited combat options, but also team tactics during battles.

* Now, not only DPS is important, but multiple damage sources can also play a role on damaging the enemy, and multiple people damage blocking an entity isn't a problem anymore.

How it works (Configurable):

    - Players and Mobs can only attack as fast as their attack speed, meaning a player can only hit within a threshold so click spamming with their fists won't do more damage per second than spamming with a sword on hand, players are encouraged to land their hits on time.


Fist only

Wooden Sword

Diamond Sword

Attack speed is entity-specific, meaning players attacking the same entity will use all their own attacks speeds without interfering with one another.


Damage Sources: Stacking and Armor.

* Before, removing i-Frames or damage immunity meant losing your armor to fire and dying to lava instantaneously.

* Now, damage that would otherwise apply every tick is either accumulated and released or canceled within damage type specific i-Frames.

! From version 3.0.0+ damage names can use Regular Expressions.

How it works (Configurable):

    - Entities have damage source type specific i-Frames, meaning fire and lava albeit having different timings can co exist and damage at the same time.

    - Armor and Shields are protected so they only receive damage every a quarter of a second to prevent breakage from consecutive attacks.

    - More powerful attacks of the same damage source that happen right after a weak attack have the difference on damage removed.


Lava and fire. Notice how the entity receives 4~dmg from lava and 1~dmg from fire.

Floor fire damage and player melee, even though the entity is receiving dmg the player is able to land a hit.

In this case arrow damage is stacked for every arrow that reaches the golem and as a result the total damage is 17~dmg per half a second.


Knock-back: Indirect Hits.

* Before, certain attacks from players and mobs would deal knock-back regardless if it was direct or not.

* Now, it is possible to cancel the knock-back of damage sources that should not have it.

! Non-1.16+ versions (1.12, 1.15, ...) have knock-back as a scale ported back from 1.16+.

How it works (Configurable):

    - Blacklisted Damage Sources will not apply knock-back.


I edited the config file to blacklist indirectMagic from dealing knock-back, this is not part of the default configuration.


Misc: Hurt Animations.

* Before, removing i-Frames meant getting spammed whenever fire, lava or even other players hit you all at the same time, this is incredibly annoying and is one of the reasons of why this mod exists.

* Now, sound and all hurt animations only play after the previous animation has finished.

! You can remove the hurt animation altogether in the mod config.


Commands: Helpful Data.

* Added a command to export a file with a list of detected damage sources and a list of registered entity ids.

! Only available to OP, the file is saved in the config folder under the folder 'bht'.


/bht_export damageFrames/attackFrames/mobIdListAll



/bht_export damageFrames -> Will export detected source-damage-frames.

/bht_export attackFrames -> Will export configured mob-attack-frames.

/bht_export mobIdListAll -> Will export All modded and vanilla mob ids.


Need a video?

In progress


Important notes:

Includes coremod.

Requires MixinBootstrap when Mixin is not available (if it crashes on startup you do not need it, if it does not load you need it).

ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION. If you find any bugs or issues I beg you to please file a report in my github or in here. :>



[Do you like this mod? Please port it to Fabric!]