Mod Better Lily Pads by MehVahdJukaar

  • Better Lily Pads by MehVahdJukaar

    Allows placing torches, candles and any other blocks on to lilypads
    • 127.61 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • May 22, 2022
    • August 29, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Better Lily Pads
Mod Information
NameBetter Lily PadsAuthorMehVahdJukaarDescriptionAllows placing torches, candles and any other blocks on to lilypads
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 127.61 KB
Updated at: August 29, 2023
Created at: May 22, 2022


Better Lily Pads 

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📖 About 📖


This is a very simple mod that makes Lily Pads smarter, allowing any blocks to be placed on them.


How does this work? Very simple, every time you click on a Lily Pad with an item that can be placed the Lily Pad will move to the water block below, turning into a waterlogged block.

If the block above is removed it will turn back to its vanilla state. Note that this can only happen if the block below it is a water block.


That's it, enjoy this little mod :D

❤️Support Me❤️


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