Mod Better Muffling by Korti11

  • Better Muffling by Korti11

    Did you hear something?
    • 255.73 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • December 30, 2017
    • January 1, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Better Muffling
Mod Information
NameBetter MufflingAuthorKorti11DescriptionDid you hear something?
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 255.73 KB
Updated at: January 1, 2023
Created at: December 30, 2017

Better Muffling adds one block, the Muffling Block. This block muffles sounds nearby.


  • Set the sound levels based on the given Minecraft sound categories.
    • Except for the Master and Music category
  • Set the range to specify how big the sphere shaped area should be.
    • Minimum: 2 Blocks, Maximum default: 16 Blocks
    • The maximum block range can be specified in the config file (1.12: bettermuffling.cfg|1.14+: bettermuffling-common.toml)
  • With the private mode, only the placer of the muffling block can adjust the values and break the block.
    • Block breaking prevention only in 1.14+
  • Indicator that shows if you are in a muffled area or not. (Removed in version 1.0.5)
    • Can be disabled in the config file (1.12: bettermuffling.cfg|1.14+: bettermuffling-client.toml)
  • All the sound levels as well as the range and the private mode setting will be saved on the block on breaking it.
    • To remove the saved data on the block just put it in a crafting table.
  • Advanced Muffle Block can mute or exclude specific sounds of a sound category.
  • The listen button enables the listening for specific sounds to add these to the white or black list of the advanced muffle block.
  • Shift + Right click with the Advance Upgrade Item on a Muffling Block to upgrade it to an Advanced Muffle Block.

Bugs/Issues/Feature Suggestion

Use the issues tab above or this link for bugs, issues or new feature suggestions.


Fell free to use this mod in your modpack. I would love to hear in which modpack you are gone use it, so just send me a short message :)