Mod Better Questing - Standard Expansion by Funwayguy

  • Better Questing - Standard Expansion by Funwayguy

    Standard tasks, rewards, importers and themes for BetterQuesting
    • 30471205
    • 377.66 KB
    • 1.7.10
    • December 15, 2015
    • May 6, 2020
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
    Better Questing - Standard Expansion
Mod Information
NameBetter Questing - Standard ExpansionAuthorFunwayguyDescriptionStandard tasks, rewards, importers and themes for BetterQuesting
InformationDownloads: 30471205
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 377.66 KB
Updated at: May 6, 2020
Created at: December 15, 2015
Adventure and RPG



Contains a handful of tasks, rewards, importers and themes to get you started using BetterQuesting. Also contains hand held loot chest reward items with tiered levels.


Included Tasks:

- Item Retrieval

- Fluid Retrieval

- Location

- Mob Kills

- Scoreboard Value

- Item Crafting

- Block Break

- NPC Meeting

- Advancement (1.12)


Included Rewards:

- Items

- Item Choice

- Scoreboard Value

- Console Commands



- HQM Json Quests

- HQM Json Reward Bags

- Native Importer (local)

- Native Importer (URL)



- Standard Light

- Standard Dark

- Stronghold

- Overworld

- Nether

- End

- Vanilla



- Random Loot Container



Of course you can use it in your mod packs! (as long as you're abiding by Minecraft's EULA)