Mod Better With Addons by BordListian
- 1.94 MB
- 1.12.2
- May 25, 2017
- March 11, 2020
- AddonsCosmeticCraftTweakerTechnology
Name | Better With Addons | Author | BordListian | Description | Companion mod to Better With Mods. Ye olde addons extraordinaire. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 1.94 MB Updated at: March 11, 2020 Created at: May 25, 2017 | Tags | Addons Cosmetic CraftTweaker Technology |
This mod aims to bring back new and old Better than Wolves addons, updating them to newer versions of Forge, for use with Better With Mods.
Every module within this mod is merely a spiritual successor. To respect the original owners' copyrights, no code from the addons was used. Every port is done from scratch using only properly licensed code.
What people say about this mod
"There are however a few genuine people out there, who make great mods and help raise up the community and bring the platform forward. Daedalus is not one of those. There is no point in arguing with him. I would suggest avoiding his mod." - LexManos
Contained Addons/Credits
(Don't expect all of these to be 100% complete/faithful)
BTWTweak - Grom PE
Deco Addon - kaos78414
Deco Addon - Yhetti
Condensed Outputs - Shinxy
Better Redstone - gyx
Japanese Weapons and Architecture - Eriottosan
Ecksie Trees - Indras
Better with Renewables - warr1024
Sargunster's BTW addon - Sargunster
Rope fences and bridges (concept) - stohun01
Factorization - neptunepink
Factum Opus - Vexatos (Previously)
Better With Wheat (concept) - abominare
In addition to the above, Better with Addons also comes with content of its own.
For documentation, refer to the Book of Single from Better with Mods
Disabled Modules
Some contained modules can be very intrusive and can modify your regular Better with Mods experience significantly. These modules are usually turned off by default, with the option to enable them in the config. These modules are as follows:
Better With Wheat
Changes wheat farming drastically and will break automatic wheatfarms
- Wheat chaff is only used for haybales
- Seeds (grain) are used for flour
- Harvested Wheat must be threshed before it can be replanted/milled
- Potatoes, Beetroots and Carrots require a hoe to harvest effectively, which also consumes durability from the hoe.
Better With Renewables
Allows one to obtain many normally unobtainable materials legit on a skyblock. Skyblock balance may not be what you would want in a normal world.
Rotting Food
Self-explanatory, food rots after a certain number of days. It should still stack sensibly, but there is currently no way to preserve food.
About BWA and contained addons
Added because of recent events and lack of communication causing some sourness in some involved parties. I feel the need to clarify the purpose of the project:
This is a personal passion project for archiving mod ideas. "Archiving" in this case refers not only to preservation of concepts as text or images, or even as playable in older version, but the ability to play with the concepts in the newest version of Minecraft.
Part of the project is helping authors of older mods porting mods to newer Forge versions, thus...
If you are a mod author whose content I have replicated as part of BWA: It's perfectly fine if you want to take your content back, as long as you are willing to eventually update your content to the newest version. Conversely, it's perfectly fine if you take parts out of BWA and release them as your own.
For the sake of our players: It would be good if we could work together to create ways for seemless migration from BWA to your own mod.
This may not agree with your philosophy, but if you are unwilling to release parts you request removal of yourself, I unfortunately cannot comply with your request.
The most I can do for you is edit any remaining assets you believe are infringing on your work, or add headers to relevant classes to comply with MIT license or similar attribution licenses.
If you would like to protect your work from projects like BWA, consider trademarking and/or patenting your content.
IRC: Espernet / #betterwithmods
Discord: (Better with Mods discord)