Mod BetterDefaultBiomes by Xratedjunior

  • BetterDefaultBiomes by Xratedjunior

    Mobs, Enchantments, Mob Arrows, Torch Arrows, Food, Trees, Plants, Flowers, Blocks, Trades, Tweaks and more!!
    • 4930128
    • 1.50 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • April 29, 2020
    • May 8, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      World Gen
Mod Information
NameBetterDefaultBiomesAuthorXratedjuniorDescriptionMobs, Enchantments, Mob Arrows, Torch Arrows, Food, Trees, Plants, Flowers, Blocks, Trades, Tweaks and more!!
InformationDownloads: 4930128
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 1.50 MB
Updated at: May 8, 2023
Created at: April 29, 2020
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
World Gen

📖 What does this mod do?

A highly configurable mod that tries to enhance the vanilla world with various tweaks and additions. I want to add lots more mobs, plants, structures, tweaks and other types of generation in the future. 


Some of the features

+ Adds 14 various mobs.

+ Difficulty of the new mobs depends on the difficulty setting.

+ Adds 3 new arrows.

+ New foods.

+ Adds new enchantments.

+ Adds 6 new advancements.

+ Adds 2 new trees and wood types.

+ Adds 12 different flowers and plants.

+ Adds 16 Trades (wandering trader & fletcher).









Enchantment name:           Levels:             Available on:           Description
Smelting Touch  1 Pickaxe, Shovel,
Smelt Blocks when mining.



Enchantment name:           Levels:             Available on:           Description
Scout 1-4 Helmet Mobs in a small area around the Player get the Glowing effect.



Enchantment name:           Levels:             Available on:           Description
Hunting 1-3 Bow, Crossbow Do more damage against animals.



Enchantment name:            Levels:             Available on:            Description
Spikes 1-3 Shields Thorns for Shields.
Guard 1-2 Shields Knockback for Shields.


Horse Armor

Enchantment name:             Levels:             Description
Horse Protection
1-4 Like the Vanilla Protection Enchantment for the Player.
Horse Fire Protection
1-4 Like the Vanilla Fire Protection Enchantment for the Player.
Horse Feather Falling
1-4 Like the Vanilla Feather Falling Enchantment for the Player.
Horse Blast Protection
1-4 Like the Vanilla Blast Protection Enchantment for the Player.
Horse Projectile Protection
1-4 Like the Vanilla Projectile Protection Enchantment for the Player.
1 Horses float in water.

Neko's Enchanted Books adds unique textures for all the books in this mod.

Modpack Permission

You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted on CurseForge.




Future Updates

I will try to keep the mod updated. So I'm working on 1.18 at the moment! However, I will not  do earlier versions of Minecraft.



Is this mod compatible?

This mod should be compatible with all the other mods out there.


Known Bugs:

I'm aiming to fix all of these. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • There are no known bugs at this time. Enjoy playing :)

    Items disappearing when right clicking a Duck.
    [2.6.0 Fixed]

    Items disappearing when right clicking a Zebra.

    Happens when the Curios mod is also installed.
    [2.5.2 Fixed]

    The Smelting Touch enchantment doesn't work correctly with Fortune when breaking some modded ores.
    [2.5.3 Fixed]