Mod BetterF3 by cominixo
- 19414655
- 1.69 MB
- 1.20.1
- August 11, 2020
- July 12, 2023
- Map and Information
Mod Information
Name | BetterF3 | Author | cominixo | Description | A mod that provides a highly customizable, more human-readable Debug HUD. |
Information | Downloads: 19414655 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 1.69 MB Updated at: July 12, 2023 Created at: August 11, 2020 | Tags | Map and Information |
BetterF3 is a mod that replaces Minecraft's original debug HUD with a highly customizable, more human-readable HUD. You can customize colors, position, add spacings, and more.
- Optionally: ModMenu to access the options menu
- Included: Cloth Config to use F3 + M
- Highly Recommended: Cloth Config to use F3 + M
Each line is part of a Module, you can:
- Change the colors of each module
- Change the position of each module
- Add and delete modules, as well as add spacings between them
- Disable individual lines of a module, or disable the whole module
- Add a shadow to the text rendered (Activated by default)
- Change the color of the background behind all lines
- Animations for opening/closing (with configurable speeds)
This mod has been translated into multiple languages. Add or update your own language on Crowdin.
Development Builds
The latest builds can be found here.
Configuration Downloading
Cloth Config allows you to press F3 + M in-game to edit the F3 menu.
Screenshots and Videos
Video by AntVenom
Video by Boodlyneck