Mod BetterTabs by fonnymunkey

  • BetterTabs by fonnymunkey

    Addon mod to add inventory Tabs/Tooltips to BetterQuesting, LevelUpReloaded, LevelUpLegacy, and ClassyHats
    • 3596737
    • 21.22 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • September 9, 2020
    • March 20, 2023
    • Addons
Mod Information
NameBetterTabsAuthorfonnymunkeyDescriptionAddon mod to add inventory Tabs/Tooltips to BetterQuesting, LevelUpReloaded, LevelUpLegacy, and ClassyHats
InformationDownloads: 3596737
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 21.22 KB
Updated at: March 20, 2023
Created at: September 9, 2020

A simple addon mod to add inventory Tabs/Tooltips to BetterQuesting, LevelUpReloaded, LevelUpLegacy, Lycanite's Mobs, and ClassyHats.



Adds a tab to the top left of player inventory to open BetterQuesting, and corresponding tooltip.

Adds a tab to the left of player inventory to open LevelUpReloaded or LevelUpLegacy, and corresponding tooltip.

Adds a tab to the topleft of player render screen to open ClassyHats, and corresponding tooltip.

Adds a tooltip to the Lycanite's Mobs Bestiary tab in inventory.

Has config for the option to move/slide around some of the tabs.


Mod has been tested to be working, though if there are issues found please report any bugs on the Github issues page.


Should work fine with any combination of the mods, will only load mods for those detected.


Quest book icon credits to Hoonts.


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