Mod Bewitchment Plus by MrSterner_
- 1522521
- 1.76 MB
- 1.19.2
- February 23, 2022
- May 26, 2023
- CosmeticMagicWorld Gen
Mod Information
Name | Bewitchment Plus | Author | MrSterner_ | Description | Misc addon for Bewitchment |
Information | Downloads: 1522521 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 1.76 MB Updated at: May 26, 2023 Created at: February 23, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic Magic World Gen |
This is an addon for Bewitchment 1.18 and aims to add more cosmetics and mechanics.
Current Features:
- Spectral Familiars
- Mud Effigy - death protection displacement
- Leshon Transformation
- Yew Tree - spawns in mountainous biomes - comes with a broom which doesnt consume ME at the cost of being very slow
- Half Life Curse
- Goblets - drinkable liquids
- Standing Candelabras - decorative
- Mutandis - mutate those plants!
- Statues - decorative
- Black Dog and Cambions - spawn near villages
- Moonflower - too tell which moon-phase will occur
- More Silver Blocks
- Blackstone Coffins! - of all colors
- Fleece - decorative wool
Future Content
- Lots more
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