Mod Biome Particle Weather by shadowmaster404
- 1145225
- 172.91 KB
- 1.19.2
- January 31, 2022
- September 19, 2023
- CosmeticMiscellaneous
Name | Biome Particle Weather | Author | shadowmaster404 | Description | Replaces the old weather rendering with particles while spicing it up by adding new effects! |
Information | Downloads: 1145225 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 172.91 KB Updated at: September 19, 2023 Created at: January 31, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic Miscellaneous |
Biome Particle Weather!
For A Config Menu Use Configured
This mod is client sided so feel free to use it on servers!
Also please credit if used in a modpack! It helps :)
Support me if you feel i deserve it!
Biome Particle Weather is a client sided mod that adds unique biome particle weather as I would imagine there are some people who are a bit tired of the way minecraft's weather looks I know I did so I made this!
Featuring particle weather like wind and sandstorms! See below!
Nether Weather!
Fireflies! These guys will attempt to avoid running into any blocks or fluids.
Report Bugs Here:
Also i know these types of commenters exist so, no i'm not backporting (this is because i rely on some things in 1.18+) if you ask i will simply reply with no (sorry it really does get old so id appreciate if you could refrain from asking :) )