Mod Biomes o' Plenty Tools by undertrox

  • Biomes o' Plenty Tools by undertrox

    adds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems
    • 179.45 KB
    • 1.10.2
    • March 16, 2018
    • April 21, 2018
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
    Biomes o' Plenty Tools
Mod Information
NameBiomes o' Plenty ToolsAuthorundertroxDescriptionadds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems
Version: 1.10.2
Size: 179.45 KB
Updated at: April 21, 2018
Created at: March 16, 2018
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources

This mod is no longer being actively developed


This mod adds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems, as well as Tinkers Construct integration [only for 1.12 and 1.11, not for 1.10] if PlusTiC or ExtraTiC are not installed (these mods also provide Biomes o' Plenty integration for Tinkers Construct)


Gems (OreDict names) this mod adds Tools for: 


  • Ruby (gemRuby)
  • Topaz (gemTopaz)
  • Sapphire (gemSapphire)
  • Malachite (gemMalachite)
  • Peridot (gemPeridot)
  • Tanzanite (gemTanzanite)
  • Amber (gemAmber)


This Mod requires CoFH Core to work!

This is because it uses the CoFH Core tools (hammer, sickle, shears, fishing rod, ...)


Can I use this mod in my Modpack?

Yes, you can use it, but it would be nice if you would give credit.


Tool Stats:

How to calculate actual Tool Stats

I'm just giving you the numbers that I wrote in the source code, to find out what the stats of one particular tool are, you'll have to do a bit of math (especially damage and durabillity are affected by that). Some stats just stay unaffected by tool type, these are: Enchantability, Harvest Level and Efficiency. For the Damage and most other stats, you'll just have to do a simple multiplication or addition, so here's what you have to do with the base values to calculate the actual stats:


Vanilla Tools (Axe, Shovel, Pickaxe, Sword, Hoe): just leave it

Hammer, Sickle: multiply by 2

Bow: add 325

Fishing Rod: add 5

Shears: subtract 12

Shield: add 275

Boots: multiply by 0.37

Leggings: multiply by 0.43

Chestplate: multiply by 0.46

Helmet: multiply by 0.31



Axe: always 9

Bow (Arrow Damage Multiplier): divide by 4

Hammer: always 11

Pickaxe: add 2

Shovel: add 1

Sickle: add 2.5

Sword: add 3


Miscellaneous Stats


Arrow Speed: Base Efficiency / 20

Bow Zoom: Base Efficiency / 30

Sickle Radius: Base Harvest Level

Fishing Luck: Base Harvest Level / 2

Fishing Speed: floor(Base Efficiency / 3)

Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level

Chestplate Protection: Base Harvest Level + 3

Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level + 2

Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level

Armor Toughness: Base Harvest Level


Tinkers Stats


Durability: 2/3 of base Durability

Efficiency: Base Efficiency

Attack Damage: Base Damage

Harvest Level: Base Harvest Level


Modifier Multiplicator: Base Enchantability / 15

Durability: 1/3 of Base Durability


Durability: 1/3 of Base Durability


Harvest Level: 2

Durability: 250

Efficiency: 4.5

Damage: 2

Enchantability: 20

Tinkers Modifier: Ecological



Harvest Level: 2

Durability: 600

Efficiency: 7

Damage: 2.5

Enchantability: 12

Tinkers Modifier: Depthdigger



Harvest Level: 2

Durability: 500

Efficiency: 6

Damage: 2

Enchantability: 13

Tinkers Modifier: Insatiable



Harvest Level: 3

Durability: 900

Efficiency: 7.5

Damage: 2.8

Enchantability: 10

Tinkers Modifier: Momentum



Harvest Level: 3

Durability: 1300

Efficiency: 7.5

Damage: 3

Enchantability: 10

Tinkers Modifier: Aquadynamic



Harvest Level: 2

Durability: 600

Efficiency: 6.5

Damage: 2.3

Enchantability: 15

Tinkers Modifier: Unnatural



Harvest Level: 2

Durability: 400

Efficiency: 8

Damage: 2.3

Enchantability: 17

Tinkers Modifier: Jagged