Mod Biomes o' Plenty Tools by undertrox
- 179.45 KB
- 1.10.2
- March 16, 2018
- April 21, 2018
- AddonsArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesOres and Resources
Name | Biomes o' Plenty Tools | Author | undertrox | Description | adds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.10.2 Size: 179.45 KB Updated at: April 21, 2018 Created at: March 16, 2018 | Tags | Addons Armor, Tools, and Weapons Biomes Ores and Resources |
This mod is no longer being actively developed
This mod adds Tools and Armor for all Biomes o' Plenty Gems, as well as Tinkers Construct integration [only for 1.12 and 1.11, not for 1.10] if PlusTiC or ExtraTiC are not installed (these mods also provide Biomes o' Plenty integration for Tinkers Construct)
Gems (OreDict names) this mod adds Tools for:
- Ruby (gemRuby)
- Topaz (gemTopaz)
- Sapphire (gemSapphire)
- Malachite (gemMalachite)
- Peridot (gemPeridot)
- Tanzanite (gemTanzanite)
- Amber (gemAmber)
This Mod requires CoFH Core to work!
This is because it uses the CoFH Core tools (hammer, sickle, shears, fishing rod, ...)
Can I use this mod in my Modpack?
Yes, you can use it, but it would be nice if you would give credit.
Tool Stats:
How to calculate actual Tool Stats
I'm just giving you the numbers that I wrote in the source code, to find out what the stats of one particular tool are, you'll have to do a bit of math (especially damage and durabillity are affected by that). Some stats just stay unaffected by tool type, these are: Enchantability, Harvest Level and Efficiency. For the Damage and most other stats, you'll just have to do a simple multiplication or addition, so here's what you have to do with the base values to calculate the actual stats:
Vanilla Tools (Axe, Shovel, Pickaxe, Sword, Hoe): just leave it
Hammer, Sickle: multiply by 2
Bow: add 325
Fishing Rod: add 5
Shears: subtract 12
Shield: add 275
Boots: multiply by 0.37
Leggings: multiply by 0.43
Chestplate: multiply by 0.46
Helmet: multiply by 0.31
Axe: always 9
Bow (Arrow Damage Multiplier): divide by 4
Hammer: always 11
Pickaxe: add 2
Shovel: add 1
Sickle: add 2.5
Sword: add 3
Miscellaneous Stats
Arrow Speed: Base Efficiency / 20
Bow Zoom: Base Efficiency / 30
Sickle Radius: Base Harvest Level
Fishing Luck: Base Harvest Level / 2
Fishing Speed: floor(Base Efficiency / 3)
Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level
Chestplate Protection: Base Harvest Level + 3
Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level + 2
Helmet Protection: Base Harvest Level
Armor Toughness: Base Harvest Level
Tinkers Stats
Durability: 2/3 of base Durability
Efficiency: Base Efficiency
Attack Damage: Base Damage
Harvest Level: Base Harvest Level
Modifier Multiplicator: Base Enchantability / 15
Durability: 1/3 of Base Durability
Durability: 1/3 of Base Durability
Harvest Level: 2
Durability: 250
Efficiency: 4.5
Damage: 2
Enchantability: 20
Tinkers Modifier: Ecological
Harvest Level: 2
Durability: 600
Efficiency: 7
Damage: 2.5
Enchantability: 12
Tinkers Modifier: Depthdigger
Harvest Level: 2
Durability: 500
Efficiency: 6
Damage: 2
Enchantability: 13
Tinkers Modifier: Insatiable
Harvest Level: 3
Durability: 900
Efficiency: 7.5
Damage: 2.8
Enchantability: 10
Tinkers Modifier: Momentum
Harvest Level: 3
Durability: 1300
Efficiency: 7.5
Damage: 3
Enchantability: 10
Tinkers Modifier: Aquadynamic
Harvest Level: 2
Durability: 600
Efficiency: 6.5
Damage: 2.3
Enchantability: 15
Tinkers Modifier: Unnatural
Harvest Level: 2
Durability: 400
Efficiency: 8
Damage: 2.3
Enchantability: 17
Tinkers Modifier: Jagged