Mod Block Properties by FatherToast

  • Block Properties by FatherToast

    Allows you deep customization for blocks, including drops, break speed, flammability, and more!
    • 136.97 KB
    • 1.7.10
    • May 10, 2015
    • February 11, 2016
    • Ores and Resources
      Server Utility
    Block Properties
Mod Information
NameBlock PropertiesAuthorFatherToastDescriptionAllows you deep customization for blocks, including drops, break speed, flammability, and more!
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 136.97 KB
Updated at: February 11, 2016
Created at: May 10, 2015
Ores and Resources
Server Utility

Ever wanted some blocks to break faster, slower or not at all? Thought your ores drop too little xp, too many items, and don't explode often enough? Maybe you want fire to burn ALL the things. Whatever your block configuring needs, Block Properties has you covered! Well, mostly.

This mod allows you to customize all blocks, vanilla or otherwise, with completely configurable drops, break speed, harvest level, xp, flammability, blast resistance, slipperiness, light opacity, brightness, and even sound type! To top it off, many properties accept number ranges for values, and are randomized for each block event!

Everything in this mod is completely configurable! This mod will do nothing if you do not edit its properties files. The properties files are generated in your .minecraft/config directory.


See the the wiki for how to use the configs.