Mod Block Swap by Corgi_Taco

  • Block Swap by Corgi_Taco

    A simple mod to replace a given block with another.
    • 300.46 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • April 8, 2021
    • June 19, 2023
    • Biomes
      Ores and Resources
      Server Utility
      World Gen
    Block Swap
Mod Information
NameBlock SwapAuthorCorgi_TacoDescriptionA simple mod to replace a given block with another.
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 300.46 KB
Updated at: June 19, 2023
Created at: April 8, 2021
Ores and Resources
Server Utility
World Gen

Block Swap is a simple mod that let's you replace one block with another. This works both during world gen and placing blocks in a live generated world.


Why would I want this?

Imagine this: You've installed 25 technology mods and you have 10 tin ores, 14 copper ores, 4 uranium ores, 10 lead ores, and 15 silver ores. Or maybe.... you've installed Oh The Biomes You'll Go and Biomes O' Plenty and don't like the fact that both mods add Redwood Logs.

Painful right? Now imagine a mod that let's you make these duplicate block a single block... yup you've just found it!


This mod allows you to replace Block A with Block B in its config and that's it.

But what about Block State properties?

This mod will remap the Block State properties from Block A's Block State to Block B's Block State(if the property is present).



Performance? Is this slow?

In my own profiling, it has NO performance hit.



Config is reloaded each world load.