Mod Boat Item View (Forge) by 50ap5ud5
- 800851
- 26.37 KB
- 1.20.2
- May 15, 2021
- June 15, 2023
- Adventure and RPGMap and InformationUtility & QoL
Name | Boat Item View (Forge) | Author | 50ap5ud5 | Description | See your held items when in a moving boat! |
Information | Downloads: 800851 Version: 1.20.2 Size: 26.37 KB Updated at: June 15, 2023 Created at: May 15, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Map and Information Utility & QoL |
Boat Item View (Forge Version)
The Boat Item View Mod is a client-side only Minecraft Mod that allows the player to see the item held in their hand while riding in a boat.
This is functionality is normally not possible in the base game.
Note: Any items being displayed in the hand when the boat is moving still cannot be used. This mod only deals with rendering, it does not change vanilla serverside logic.
- Toggle the ability to render hand items when sitting in a moving boat.
- Define the type of items to be rendered when sitting in a moving boat.
- Compatibility with Configured Mod
This mod is client-side only. Do not install this on dedicated servers.
- Configured Mod (Optional, generates a Config GUI)
Enabling this Mod
1. Open the Configuration File. This can be done via minecraft/config/boatiview/client.toml or the Mods -> Boat Item View -> Config Button if you have Configured Mod Installed.
2. Set the Configuration Option "showHandsInMovingBoat" to True.
3. Hold the item in the player's main hand or offhand.
Adding an item to the display list
1. Open the Configuration File. This can be done via minecraft/config/boatiview/client.toml or the Mods -> Boat Item View -> Config Button if you have Configured Mod Installed.
2. Add a new entry to the "itemsToShowInMovingBoat" option. This entry is the namespaced id of an item. E.g. "minecraft:carrot"
3. Click "Save" in the File Editor program if you have opened the client.toml file. If you are using the Configured Mod's Config GUI, click the "Save" button.
Video Demo
The Config GUI that is generated when Configured Mod is installed alongside this mod.
Terms of Use
General/distribution/mod packs:
You are free to use this mod for personal use.
You may use it for non-commercial public use as well, as long as you link back to this thread or CurseForge page and use official download links.
If you wish to put this mod in a modpack that is redistributed commercially, please contact the owner about it so we can discuss this further.
You can use this mod in your modpack. You don’t have to ask for permission as long as you credit the author.
You may not reupload this mod on other platforms.
This project is licensed under GNU Lesser v3. More information about this license can be found in the License.MD file within the Github repository.
You may NOT redistribute this mod by itself in a way that allows you to earn money off of it.
These terms can be subject to change.
Please report any issues to the issue tracker linked at the top of this page.
- Treblero, for the original idea