Mod Born in Chaos by mongoose_artist

  • Born in Chaos by mongoose_artist

    Adds a lot of hostile mobs, with their own characteristics hat can complicate your survival.
    • 576245
    • 7.95 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • October 6, 2022
    • September 23, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      World Gen
    Born in Chaos
Mod Information
NameBorn in ChaosAuthormongoose_artistDescriptionAdds a lot of hostile mobs, with their own characteristics hat can complicate your survival.
InformationDownloads: 576245
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 7.95 MB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: October 6, 2022
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
World Gen

Born in Chaos is a mod that adds a lot of hostile mobs, with their own features, that can diversify and also complicate your survival. The mod also adds new structures, items, weapons and decorative blocks. The mod is not only well optimized to work with other mods that add new biomes, but also can be a good addition to your Modpacks.

Born in Chaos is also compatible with the Better Combat mod (1.18-1.19). This modification will make the combat system with new weapons more dynamic (for Better Combat to work, you also need to install the Player Animator and Cloth Config of the corresponding version).

Mod made with MCreator.

Partial Configuration is done by Game Rules when creating a world, or by using the /gamerule command during a game.



Mod requires GeckoLib to work.

 Mod adds a lot of new mobs. Everyone differs in their level of threat and danger. Monsters are classified into types such as undead, spirits, arthropods, and monsters without a special type. All mobs spawn in specific biome types, making them compatible with any mod that adds new biomes.


Most of the undead burn in the sun, and take

increased damage from special weapon enchantments.

Decrepit Skeleton

A decrepit version of a normal skeleton. Can only attack in melee.

It does not differ in special properties and is a rather weak opponent.


Skeleton Demoman

Almost everything is similar to Decrepit Skeleton. However, it does not burn in the sun and,

when health drops to a certain limit, it starts detonating before the explosion,

at this time it does not move and you have the opportunity to kill it before the

explosion or manage to run away from it. 


Decaying Zombie

It behaves like a normal zombie. This mob's attacks briefly apply a hunger effect to the

victim. When the zombie is low on health, its flesh falls off, revealing a decrepit skeleton

(turns into Decrepit Skeleton).


Baby Skeleton

Children's version of the skeleton. Runs pretty fast, but doesn't pose much of a threat on its own.

Often serves as a servant of more powerful monsters.


Bone Imp

It is an enhanced version of the Baby Skeleton, found primarily in the Nether, immune to fire.


Zombies in a Barrel

A zombie stuck in a barrel is found primarily near water bodies, unlike ordinary zombies,

it does not drown, and also has protection from the sun. Has increased armor.

A wide variety of items can fall out of this monster, as well as complete garbage,

as well as extremely rare and valuable things.


Door Knight

A zombie that uses everything that comes to hand as its equipment.

The monster has protection from sunlight, increased armor, and is also

able to block your attacks, which will be accompanied by a special sound.

To deprive a mob of the ability to block attacks, you need to set it

on fire or make an attack with an ax.


Zombie Clown

Slow and rather dense enemy. Attacking smashes an Intoxicating Brew

on the enemy, which slows down the victim and also causes a short-term

poisoning and dizziness in her.


Skeleton Thrasher

A formidable, but slow enemy. It has increased armor, is able to block the player’s

attacks like Door Knight.To deprive a mob of the ability to block attacks,

you need to set it on fire or make an attack with an ax.

Skeleton attacks, in addition to high damage, strongly repel the enemy, and also

briefly stun making it impossible to move and attack.


Spirit Guide

Found in dry and hot biomes. Does not burn in the sun due to the hat.

The monster's attacks inflict Soul Stratification on the victim, slowing them

for the duration and dealing damage at the end.



The skeleton uses a magic staff as a weapon, attacking from a distance and

trying to keep the player away from him. During the battle, he can call on several

Baby Skeleton to help. You can disable a skeleton's ability to summon minions if

you can set it on fire or apply a magical drain effect to it.


Supreme Bonescaller

Is a mini boss. Its abilities are similar to the regular Bonescaller, however,

it is surrounded by a bone shield that protects it from ranged weapons,

and instead of Baby Skeleton it calls Bone Imp to help. After the shield is destroyed,

it becomes vulnerable to ranged weapons, but at the same time it becomes stronger

and summons more minions.
Found at the top of the dark tower.


Fallen Chaos Knight

Despite the notably shabby body, it remains an extremely dangerous adversary.

Have a high rate of armor as well as a high speed of movement, protection from

arrows and sunlight. In addition, places a Cursed Mark on the attacked victim.

When the mark expires, up to four Scarlet Persecutors will spawn around the Cursed.



A new type of mob, most spirits disappear in direct sunlight.

Spirits also now include mobs such as blaze, ghast, phantom, vex, allay.

Restless Spirit

Flying spirit. Each attack of this mob will shackle and slow down the movement

of the victim. When exposed to direct sunlight, the spirit will disappear.


Phantom Creeper

In behavior, it is completely similar to the usual Creeper, however, if you hit it somehow,

it will immediately split into two copies of itself. The monster is not capable of dividing

into copies more than once. You can meet you in the Warped Forest and also in the End.


Pumpkin Spirit

Neutral mob, by itself can be found on a small farm, like an iron golem attacks

all monsters defending the territory. Extremely vulnerable to fire, as soon as he

comes into contact with fire, he will be curbed by the spirit of the flame,

after which he will turn into Seared Spirit.


You can make your own scarecrow. To do this, build a structure out of two dark oak

logs, a block of hay, and a carved pumpkin, then right-click on the pumpkin with

the Ethereal Spirit item.

Seared Spirit


A scarecrow on fire, aggressive towards the player. Spirit attacks set the

victim on fire. The monster takes damage while in water or rain, and

is immune to fire damage.


Dark Vortex

A spirit launching blinding clots of darkness into its victim. The projectiles cause

a small freak, and the mob itself has a small supply of health, however, attacking

along with other monsters can greatly disorient the player.

Disappears in direct sunlight.


Scarlet Persecutors

The spirit comes to those who are marked with the cursed mark.

Chases the player at a great distance (150 blocks). Able to fly and make

sharp attacks towards the player. Spirits only appear when the Cursed Mark

expires. If you have been cursed try to hide in a narrow space so the

spirits cannot appear.


Shy Spirit

Not a particularly dangerous flying spirit in itself, rather a nuisance.

Attacks extremely weakly and disappears at the first blow and under the sun's rays.

However, if the player somehow hits the spirit, it will blind the player in response

and slow it down, which can be very disorienting. But you can also catch a spirit

in a jar, after which, after drinking from this jar, you will get night vision,

speed and remove blindness from yourself.


Nightmare Stalker

An extremely dangerous spirit. Rare and initially invisible, only a pair of glowing eyes

are visible. To deprive him of invisibility, he must somehow be injured. While in invisibility,

the spirit moves much faster. The stalker cannot be hurt by ranged weapons.

This monster notices the player from a long distance (from 40 blocks for version 1.16,

and from 70 for 1.18-1.19) and immediately rushes to him. Attacking his victim, the stalker after

a withering howl imposes blindness, magical exhaustion and withering on it, the shield block

will save only from withering, while the nightmare itself is cured from the attacks inflicted by it.

The spirit disappears when exposed to direct sunlight.


Mr Pumpkin

Rather slow and weak spirit. Appears naturally only from October 25

to November 5, and also comes to the aid of Ser Pumpkinhead during the battle.


Ser Pumpkinhead

Mini Boss appears in your world only from October 25 to November 5 in honor of Halloween,

or you can summon him by destroying a special pumpkin surrounded by candles that you can meet in the world.

The boss has 3 main phases: in the first, he rides on his horse, attacking you in melee, inflicting a bundle of the

soul (this effect slows you down and deals damage after the expiration), also periodically teleports and calls on

Mr. Pumpkin; In the second, the Pumpkinhead separates from the horse and while the horse attacks you in the vicinity,

pushing away from the owner, the rider himself shoots at you with explosive pumpkins, still teleporting and calling

for pumpkins; In the third, the boss detaches his head from the body and while the body fights you with a soul bundle,

the head shoots and teleports. Your final target is the head.

As a reward, you will receive a guaranteed Pumpkin Staff, and you can also get holiday sweets, a Soul Saber with

random enchantments, as well as a new unique music disc.



Arthropods and mobs with no special type


A fiery arthropod found in the nether and near firewells. The bite of the bug sets the victim

on fire, and the mob itself is immune to fire. Firelight intentionally attacks Pumpkin Spirit to corrupt.


Diamond Thermite

Now in your world, in addition to the usual diamond ore, an infected one will come across,

once you destroy it, termites will come out of the nearest ore. Termites have increased

armor and their bites inflict fatigue.The appearance of infected diamonds

can be disabled when creating a world.

(infected diamond ore does not replace normal diamond ore in any way).


Wither Strider

In behavior, it is completely similar to an ordinary spider, but it has a withering poison.

A skeleton can ride this spider.

This mob is compatible with the Spiders 2.0 mod for version 1.16.5, or Nyf's Spiders for 1.18-1.19


Dread Hound

They appear in small flocks. They hunt most types of skeletons, and are also

aggressive towards the player, however, if you have not attacked them,

then the hounds can be appeased by giving them a bone or a stab skull by

pressing RMB, the appeased hound will not attack you until a certain time has passed,

if you hit her, she will start attacking you again. You can also meet hounds in small

packs in the desert near gnawed bones, such hounds do not disappear until you kill them.




Most of the new items can be found as loot from

mobs or treasure chests.

You can now smoke rotten flesh in the smokehouse, such flesh will not inflict hunger when eaten.

The ability to use rotten flesh as compost has also been added.

Bottle Of Magical Energy

A special drink that allows you to remove the effect of magical exhaustion from you.

Dark Metal

New resource. It is obtained mainly in small pieces from new mobs or in treasure chests

as a rare loot. To make an ingot, you need to smelt Pile of Dark Metal in a smelting furnace.

Used to create new weapons and to enhance Netherite armor.

Eternal Candy

You can eat as many times as you want.



 Added new types of bone blocks.

Black Argillite

New rock spawns at a depth of 17 to -17 height for 1.18 and 17 to 1 height for 1.16. Used to

create many decorative blocks.

Color Stained Glass

Scorched Log

New type of wood. Created by combining any standard logs and Fire Light Dust.Planks can

be made brittle by right-clicking them with an axe. These boards will break when stepped on.



Staff of Magic Arrows

A fairly simple magic staff that does not require ammunition and shoots magic

arrows, has an average damage rate and good knockback, and can also be

used as a weak melee weapon. The staff can also be used in a spare hand,

allowing you to simultaneously fight both up close and shoot from a distance.


Bonescaller Staff

Allows you to summon two Baby Skeletons by right-clicking on a block, which will

uncontrollably attack all monsters they see, the skeletons disappear after a minute

after being summoned. After using the staff, the effect of magical exhaustion will be

imposed on you, which does not allow you to use the summon again, after the

magical exhaustion passes, you can use the staff again.


Pumpkin Staff

Shoots pumpkins that explode when they hit an enemy (the explosion does not break blocks).

When it hits a block, it calls for Mr. Pumpkin to help you, which, albeit a rather slow companion,

can deprive the monsters of using some magical abilities, and thus deprive the monsters of the

ability to block. The pumpkin will disappear in 2 minutes. You will not be able to summon

Pumpkin while you have Magic Drain.
The staff can only be obtained by killing Ser Pumpkinhead.


Intoxicating Bomb

Throwing explosive projectile. The explosion does not destroy blocks but can destroy loot.

A direct hit on the target will inflict the effect of intoxication on the target.


Death Totem

Similar to the totem of immortality, it saves you from lethal damage,

while quickly healing you and granting you temporary strength, however,

it almost completely deprives you of satiety and saturation and imposes

the effect of magical exhaustion. While you are affected by magical

exhaustion, Death Totem will not work.


Nightmare Scythe

Melee weapon with low attack speed. Each attack with this weapon works

like a Nightmare Stalker attack, inflicting Blind, Magic Drain, and Wither

on the target, and heals the wearer. Extremely effective against Bonescaller

as it prevents him from summoning minions.


Great Reaper Axe

Battle ax. Every time you kill with his opponent, you go into a short-term

rampage, which increases your speed and damage. For each consecutive kill

while under the effect of rampage, the effect will increase, reaching the maximum

level of rampage, subsequent kills will extend the effect and heal you slightly.


Dark Ritual Dagger

Fast melee weapon. By pressing RMB, you can sacrifice a summoned minion

or animals such as sheep, pig, cow and chicken, which will heal you,

depending on the victim, the strength of the healing depends.


Intoxicating Dagger

Inflicts Intoxicating Poison on the enemy. Which slows down, causes

short-term poisoning and nausea in the target. Ineffective against undead.


Soul Saber

Imposes a special Soul Stratification effect on the victim, which slows the target,

and upon completion of the action, deals damage depending on the victim’s current

health (the higher the health, the higher the damage), and also dispels all

other effects from the target.


Skullbreaker Hammer


Heavy hammer. Each attack successfully made while jumping or while

in the air will push the opponent away, as well as briefly stun.


Sharpened Dark Metal Sword

Has increased damage to undead.


Spiritual Sword

It has increased damage to spirits, and also removes the effect

of magical exhaustion from you when you attack a spirit.



Rarely dropped by the Door Knight. It has no special properties,

but with a Better Combat mod it has a special type of attack.


Dark Metal Armor 

Crafted by combining Netherite Armor and Armor Plate From Dark Metal,

on a forge table. In addition to increased stats, it has the property of a full

set of armor, which makes you immune to withering,

and when your health is low, you go on a rampage.