Mod Bossominium by shaywsgu2

  • Bossominium by shaywsgu2

    Adds multiple bosses that you can fight for unique loot
    • 4.24 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • October 27, 2022
    • September 23, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
NameBossominiumAuthorshaywsgu2DescriptionAdds multiple bosses that you can fight for unique loot
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 4.24 MB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: October 27, 2022
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons




The Bossominium mod is a mod that adds multiple bosses into the game. All these bosses have unique item drops that you could use for various items. The items you want to craft depend on your playstyle, if you want to craft an offensive item you can, if you want to craft a defensive item you can. The choices are up to you


Currently there are 19 bosses and 38 achievements at the moment, but you can suggest your own boss and I might add it if I like it.


I can't really fit the recipes in because that would take too much space. Use the JEI mod for the recipes


This is a forge mod.



At the start of any world, you'll be granted with a new item, The Bossdexium. This item is a guide on how to summon all the bosses below. This item also has a crafting recipe if you lost the original.





"A mutated and deformed skeleton granted the power of levitation"

Recommended Armor: Iron

How to Summon

You'll need to craft a Skelenomicon first, the skelenomicon is a block item. To start the fight you just need a Skeleton to step on it, it will mutate it into this hideous creature.



The Skelenado can fly and deflect arrows with its spinning arms. This will be its main form of protection. It also summon skeletons with iron armor to fight for it. This fight can be annoying, but the rewards are pretty good.



  • Skelenado Chest: This chestplate gets rid of all arrows in a 12 block radius, but its only downside is that it's armor strength is the same as gold.
  • Bone Air Rune: This rune will give you levitation for 1 second when right clicked, this may seem useless, but it can help a lot when saving you from fall damage. It loses durability every time you use it.



Badlands Colossal

"The protector of the badlands and all of its creatures"

Recommended Armor: Iron

How to Summon

You need to craft a Badlands Core and place it in a Badlands Biome.You need to Right Click it with a golden apple in your hand. It will consume it then summon the boss.



It can cause a mini shockwave causing you to fly in a random direction. It can also summon lava beneath your feet, causing you to sink. Its attacks cause extreme knockback power.



  • Badlands Eye: This is the item dropped by the Colossal, its useless on its own, but it can be crafted into the items below.
  • Dagger Of Rav: This would be a melee weapon that does pretty good damage. But if you right click onto the ground, you'll also be able to summon lava beneath enemies.
  • Eye Of The Storm: This would be another melee weapon. This would give you the shockwave ability the Colossal has. When right clicking you can also send enemies in a random direction


Vengeful Trader

"An outcasted villager who's soul lives on"

Recommended Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

You'll need 4 emerald blocks, one piece of soul sand, and one soul torch. The blocks will change, and then it will someone the boss


It can dodge attacks pretty quickly. It will launch itself into the air to do so. It also summons zombies with iron helmets and iron axes. Its main defense mechanism is it turning invisible. It will stay invisible for 6 seconds then appear again. Finally, its attacks cause levitation.



  • Village Ectoplasm: Its the main drop of the entity, its only use is for crafting the items below.
  • Warped Wand: This item can summon a Lost Soul, this lost soul will attack all monster mobs, and only attack you if you attack first, its pretty strong, and immune to most things. The downside is that they hate other spirits, and they attack each other, only summon 1 at a time
  • Ghost Tart: This is an amazing healing item, it heals 9 hunger and gives you 9 saturation. You could craft 4 with one Ectoplasm. It only gives you levitation for 1 seconded when eating it.
  • Dead Lantern: This item marks nearby undead mobs when right clicked.  It has no cooldown and is useful if you want to scout an area.


Forest Guardian

"A skilled protector of greenery"

Recommended Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

They're three main steps to summon this boss. The first one is to find an Abandoned Greenhouse structure that's shown below. After that you need to steel the guardian sapling at the end of the hallway. Finally combine the Guardian Sapling with Charcoal Bonemeal, Charcoal Bone Meal is made by putting bonemeal in a blast furnace


Its main ability is uprooting trees from the ground to block your path, it does this pretty frequently. It also can't be knock backed by attacks but it knocks you back pretty far. Finally, it can absorb water for regeneration, make sure you fight in a place with not a lot of liquid. But killing it is kinda interesting. Its head will drop on the floor, you'll need to get rid of it with fire as fast as possible. Right click it with a flint and steel to burn the head, if you don't the head will regrow its body and you'll need to do the whole fight over again.



  • Forest Core: Its the main item dropped by the Guardian, it's used to craft the items below
  • Flame Eye: When right clicked, it will give you fire resistance for 10 minutes, but it will break immediately if you do it.
  • Tree Tea: This item will give you temporary boosts when drunken.
  • Forest Mace: Its a basic melee item that inflicts enemies with slowness. 


Crypt Mummy


"A stalker from the depths of the Desert Pyramids"

Recommended Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

You need to get a mysterious sarcophagus by trading a Cleric Journeyman for it, it costs 17 emeralds. Break it, and the fight starts.



It's a master at controlling sand. It summons sands on top of your head and lets it drop on you. It also places sand on every step it takes. It can't suffocate as well. It also does massive damage.



  • Golden Shard: It drops a golden shard, as you guessed, its used to craft the items below
  • Golden Dagger: The golden dagger is a basic melee weapon that does 8 damage.
  • Sand Staff: Its a staff that can summon sand on top of enemies like the Crypt mummy does
  • Desert Necklace: Its an armor item that gives you jump boost and haste when worn.


Soul Reaper

"An ancient fossil covered and reanimated by soul sand"

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond Armor

How to Summon

To summon him you need to craft a soul charge. Hold down the soul charge with Right Click and then let go, the soul charge should disappear and the fight should start.



It runs at extreme speeds and can easily catch up to you. It summons soul fire right next to you that can easily catch you off guard. It can also shoot a soul beam, this soul beam does massive damage, Finally, it has extreme knockback



  • Soul Eye: This item is useless, but its used to craft the items down below
  • Soul Cannon: This item shoots the same soul beam that the Soul Reaper Shoots, it does massive damage and doesn't cost anything
  • Soul Fire Apple: This is the strongest healing item in the game, it gives you massively good effects for a total of 5 minutes.
  • Soul Trapper: When Right Clicking you can trap enemies in soul sand.



Netherrack Heart

"The beating core of the nether protecting its home from everything is sees"

Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

Summoning this thing is pretty complicated. You can only summon this boss in the nether. You need to get a villager in the nether as well. You'll need to craft Blood Powder, then shift and right click it on the villager with it in your main hand.



The Netherrack Heart can crawl on walls like a spider. It can also dodge attacks pretty well. Its main form of attacking is summoning homing blood shots at you. It also has a powerful bite.



  • Netherrack Vein: This is the only item dropped by the heart. Its used to craft the items below.
  • Blood Cannon: This is a ranged item that you don't need any ammo for. Its pretty powerful and can kill most things easily.
  • Nether Igniter: When right clicking with this thing it sets nearby enemies on fire
  • Blood Bite: This is an extremally powerful food item. You can craft 11 with one vein.


End Stone Sentinel

"A turret that was used to protect the end and now is discarded"

Recommended Armor: Netherite or Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

Summoning it is an extremely hard process, first you need to kill the Ender Dragon, the dragon will drop a new item called "Dragon Essence," you smelt the dragon essence into another item called the Gem of Ender. After that you need to find an Enderlisk structure, which is littered across the skies of The End. At the top is an Ender Mantle, you right click the mantle with the gem and the fight will start.


This is a ranged mob that doesn't do any melee attacks. It shoots Ender Shots at you which make you levitate. It will spam these at you because that's its main way of attacking. It's also stationary, it won't move and it can't be attacked. But it can teleport, everyone once in a while it will teleport on top of the nearest player and do damage if it lands on you. Don't worry if it goes to the void, it will teleport itself to you to save itself.



  • All Seeing Crystal: This is the unique item dropped by the Sentinel. Its used to craft the items below. Because of the challenge you had to face, all the items are pretty strong and useful.
  • Void Pearl: This item is an Ender pearl but with 300 uses. If you don't know already, it teleports you to the location that its thrown. Another upside is that it won't make you take damage.
  • Enderporter: This item pulls nearby mobs into the area you right clicked in. It can be good to get away from mobs, or trap mobs. It even works on players.
  • Ender Crystal Sword: This item is a sword that does 10 damage. When an enemy is hit with it, it will give them levitation and slowness for 3 seconds.



"A piece of stone granted knowledge and mind due to the inscriptions written on it" 

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

Summoning Ruin is a tedious process. First you need to find An Ancient Jungle Ruin, these structures are only found in Jungle biomes. Then you need to craft a Runic Key. In the middle of the structure is a Runic Heart. You can only activate it if its raining at the current time. Then right click the block with the key in your hand

(It doesn't spawn in plains, I just made spawn their so you can see it more clearly)



Ruin has multiple abilities that is hard to deal with. Its main ability is controlling the power lighting. It can shoot lighting at itself to make it levitate, or it can shoot lighting at you to try to kill you. If you get too close, it will knock you back pretty far. Its normally stationary, but at low health it will gain the ability to launch itself. If its at 100 health or less it can launch itself to get away from you, or to get to you



  • Mossy Stone Tablet: This is the item dropped by Ruin, its used to craft the items below.
  • Stone Shielder: This is a defensive item, you can create a pod a mossy stone bricks around you to protect enemies.
  • Stone Shocker: This item allows you to summon lighting like Ruin does. It will smite nearby entities.
  • Ruin Totem: This is one of the best items. Like a Totem of Undying, it saves you from death. But you can use it up to 3 times with one totem. The downside is that its a bit weaker than a regular Totem.


Hell Hound


"The howling beast that's made of souls of the pets who were left behind"

Recommended Armor: Diamond


How to Summon

Summoning the Hell Hound is a simple three step process. First you need to get a wolf. It doesn't matter if its tamed, or untamed. Then you need to craft the Nether Talisman, and right click it on your wolf. This will give it a new potion effect called Hell's Blessing. This effect is only temporary, you can't do it if its expired. Finally, while it has the potion effect, you need to feed it Charred Steak, this item is made by putting steak in a furnace and re-smelting it. Once done, the boss should be summoned. 



Unlike most of the bosses here, this one shoots projectiles. The Hell Hound shoots fire charges at you, once hit with it, it'll set on fire. It can also run at high speeds, making it pretty annoying. Finally, at low health it, it activates a new ability called Devil's Howl. Once it does this ability, it will give you the Blindness III effect for 5 seconds.



  • Hell's Fur: This is the main item dropped on death, its used to craft the items below.
  • Charge Bomb: This item is like a portable, easy to use TNT. Once thrown. it'll explode wherever it landed. If it hits a mob, it won't do anything.
  • Hell's Charger: If you right click with it, it will launch you straight wherever you were looking at. But use it carefully, it has low durability.
  • Hell's Feather: If it's in your main hand, any lava you step on will instantly turn into obsidian, it's great for traversing the Nether.




"A member of 'The Emerald Eye,' a group of pillagers seeking power and wealth"

Recommended Armor: Iron

How to Summon

Summoning the Cultisager is a pretty simple process. First you need to kill vexes, they now drop a new item, the Vex Wing. Then you craft the vex wings with a few other items to make The Crorintion, the symbol of the Emerald Eye. Right Click the Crorintion on the ground to start the fight.



The abilities it has are similar to the Evoker, it can summon evoker fangs right at your feet, and it will do that nonstop. It can also do an Evoker Fang shockwave attack, where it summons multiple Evoke Fangs all around itself. It's final ability is summon Vexes to attack you, it can summon 3 at a time.



  • Ritual Prism: This is the item dropped by the Cultisager, it's used to craft the items below.
  • Fang Dagger: This item is a pretty strong weapon that has very fast attack speed.
  • Fanged Bracelet: With this item, you can summon a shockwave of evoker fangs, but if you're crouching, the evoker fangs will look for enemies and chomp down at their feet.
  • Vex Smasher: This item does extreme damage to enemies, but it has a low attack speed. It also kills Vexes on one hit.


Golden Ring


"The angel and guardian of the overworld silently judging the actions of those in the dimension"  

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

You need a special crafting item to craft the summoning object. An Enchanted Golden Apple Core. You get it by eating Enchanted Golden Apples. You use it to craft the Ring Of Judgement. With the Ring of Judgement in your inventory. You then need to kill a passive mob. The ring will dissipate and you'll be given a new effect, Curse of The Ring, for 2 minutes, once the timer is over, the fight will start.


The Golden Ring is a ranged mob and a flying mob, it can shoot you with crystals from afar. It's also a summoner. It can summon Cursed Golden Armor to help it fight. Also, it can block your screen with eyes using one of its abilities called "Golden Gaze." Finally, when under 200 health it gains a new ability called Angel's Cooldown, once activated, it will give you Slowness II for 6 seconds.



  • The Golden Eye: This is the main item dropped by the golden ring, it's used to craft the items below
  • Golden Eye Totem: If this item is in your main hand or off hand, it can protect you from damage of any type, but only for 3 times
  • Golden Charm: If this thing is in your inventory, anything you kill will drop a gold ingot just for you
  • Angelic Golden Sword: This Gold Sword does 10 damage, has an attack speed of 1.5, and has the durability of 2,500. And, when right clicked, you can make nearby enemies levitate, but it will then have a 20 second cooldown


Ancient Remnant   [Idea from Cteenp]

"The ancient protector of the piglins, now forgotten"

Recommended Armor: Netherite

How to Summon

First, you need to craft an Ancient Core, this can be crafted by 1 gold block, 4 ancient debris, and 4 new blocks called Gilded Redstone Blocks. You then need to place this block in the Nether, finally you need to activate it with a Redstone Signal, but you should stay back because activating it spawns the boss and also causes an explosion.



The Ancient Remnant is a slow, ranged tank boss. It can shoot pieces of netherite scrap at you. This boss can take a lot of hits, it's still able to be hit by ranged attacks, but melee attacks do more damage. It also has a shockwave ability, where it can stomp on the ground, and launch nearby enemies in the air. Finally, it can summon a new mob called Piglin Remnant, these piglins are also slow but faster than the Ancient Remnant. These piglins can also infect other piglins, turning them into Piglin Remants as well.



  • Ancient Scrap: This is the main item dropped by the Ancient Remnant, it's used to craft the item below.
  • Ancient Helm: This helmet is extremely powerful and almost has the same stats as a regular Netherite Helmet. If you have this helmet on and you're at low health, it will grant you a strength and speed-boost.
  • Ancient Mallet: This item is extremely powerful and does 14 damage on hit, but it also has low attack speed. When right clicking this item on the ground, you can cause a shockwave, launching nearby enemies.
  • Scrap Freezer: When right clicked on the ground, you can freeze any enemy in place for 1.5 seconds. It has a 25 second cooldown.




"A fast a skilled warrior who protects her home, the tribe of hers created the Forest Guardians"

Recommended Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

 First, you need to craft some new items called "The Heart Of The Forest." You can use these items to craft a new item called the Trinity Apple. After consuming the Trinity Apple, the boss will be summoned



The Huntress is an attacker mob that is able to easily catch up with you. The Huntress can also jump high to try to dodge attacks. Also, she can get a speed boost at random that can be devastating to you if you do not act fast. Finally, The Huntress can summon flying roses, if these roses hit her, she will be healed, so make sure to destroy them fast.



  • Flower Of Genesis: This is the main item dropped by the Huntress, it's used to craft the item below.
  • Genesis Bow: This item acts like a regular bow and arrow but it can be a bit faster. However, the main gimmick of this bow is that it can also be used as a melee weapon, this weapon can do 7-8 damage to anything you hit with the bow itself.
  • Artisan Hay: This item can only be used on regular horses, once used, it will give them permanent buffs. These buffs are speed, jump boost, and slow falling. They last forever until the horse dies.
  • Rose Staff: When right clicking on the ground, you can give yourself temporary regeneration to help yourself heal. When right clicking on a mob, you are able to heal them instead.




"A broken piece of code that leaked into the files of the game"

Recommended Armor: Netherite

How to Summon

First, you need to craft a Corrupted Core, you then need to jump inside the void with this item in your main hand, it will then teleport you back to the overworld and the Corrupted Core will be replaced by an Archived Eye. Right Click the Archived Eye on Crying Obsidian, then the fight should start.



The Fallarota is able to run really fast, and it's able to climb up walls, the Fallarota is also able to teleport to your exact location so you won't be able to get away easily. The Fallarota can also blind you on attack, the blindness would last for 3 seconds. Also, it's able to make you blind on command, even if it hasn't hit you yet. Finally, it can summon Corrupted Turrets to help it fight, these turrets will act as ranged mobs, their attack if pretty powerful, but they can be taken down easily by a few hits.



  • Corrupted Texture: This is the item dropped by the Fallarota, it's used to craft the items below.
  • Malware Mace: This item acts as a strong Melee weapon. This weapon does massive damage to any one that is hit by it. It also blinds people on hit.
  • Data Eye: This item can mark nearby mobs in a certain area by right clicking it on a block. It will mark these entities for 5 seconds, it has a massive cooldown.
  • Corrupted Launcher: As the name implies, the Corrupted Launcher can launch nearby entities far up in the air, it has a massive cooldown after use.


Redstone Turret

"A failed copy of a protector made by the pillagers"

Recommended Armor: Diamond

How to Summon

First, you need to craft a Metallic Redstone Block and activate it using a Redstone Signal. After the block is activated, you need to make a Redstone Chip. You then need to right click the block using the Redstone Chip.



The Redstone turret is a ranged mob. It will will shoot at you dealing massive damage in the process. These bullets can also leak out of the Redstone Turret, a stream of 4 bullets can shoot out of the turret doing damage to anyone who gets hit by it. Finally, it can Overcharge, when overcharging, it will shoot up in the air shooting a massive stream of bullets under it, and to the sides of it. Overcharging also has the chance to damage the turret.



  • Redstone Hard Drive: This is the item dropped by the Redstone Turret, it's used to craft the items below.
  • Redstone Extractor: When you right click on a block that contains redstone using this item, it will give you 2 redstones. This won't break the block so you can get a infinite stream of redstone, however, there's a small cooldown between each extraction. This item can also work as a pickaxe.
  • Turret Sword: This item works like a regular sword, however, when you right click with this item, it will shoot a Redstone Bullet in the direction you are facing. There's a cooldown between each shot.
  • Redstone Spring: This item will shoot you up into the air with slow-falling in the process.


Strayed Warrior

"The soul of an ancient warrior trying to live on"

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

First you need to craft an ancient hilt. You need to right click the hilt on soul sand. It will then turn into a Strayed Sword. You then need to right click this sword on a skeleton skull. Then the fight should start.



The Strayed Warrior is a flying mob. It will fly around and easily dodge most of your attacks. The Strayed Warrior's main ability is that it can summon 2 Strayed Swords. These strayed swords will always be spawned in and will teleport back to the Strayed Warrior when needed to. These sword are fast and swift and they cannot be damaged. The only way to get rid of them is by defeating the Strayed Warrior. If the Strayed Warrior is at 130 Hp or lower, it will summoned 2 more sword, meaning that you will haft to deal with 4 different swords at once.



  • Possessed Metal: This is the item dropped by the Strayed Warrior, it's used to craft the items below
  • Helm of Sight: When holding this item, it will give you Night Vison
  • Possessed Sword: This is an extremely powerful sword that does massive damage, it also gives Mining Fatigue to whoever it hits.
  • Strayed Ring: When this item is in your inventory you won't be able to get the Mining Fatigue effect


Fungal Brute

"An amalgamation of mushrooms formed together" 

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

First you need to craft a Fungal Feeder and place it on the ground, then you need to craft Mushroom Essence. You need to right click the essence on the feeder to start the fight.



The Fungal Brute is a strong and fast heavy hitter, it doesn't take any knockback from attacks. The attacks of the Fungal Brute also poison you. Finally, the fungal brute can send out unavoidable spores, these spores will slow you and poison you.



  • Decayed Mushroom: This is the item dropped by the Fungal Brute, it's used to craft the items below
  • Supreme Mushroom Stew: This is an extremely powerful food item. When you consume this, it'll give you strength and speed.
  • Spore Core: When right clicked on the ground, it'll give nearby mobs in the area Poisons and Slowness
  • Spore Sword: This is a basic powerful sword item, when you hit an enemy with it, you'll give them poison




"An enderman that was purified by the power of Quartz"

Recommended Armor: Enchanted Diamond

How to Summon

To summon it, you need to craft an Abyssal Cleanser and right click it on an enderman



The attacks the Purerman might be simple, but they are extremely powerful. It acts like a regular enderman, it can teleport where it wants to and its afraid of water. The Purerman will do a random teleport about a block or 2 away from you when it is damaged. It's also extremely fast. Finally, its attacks give levitation for 1 second.


Pure Eye: This is the item dropped by the Purerman, it's used to craft the items below

Pure Pickaxe: This item is just a basic pickaxe, but its way more better, you can also right click it to do a random teleport.

Pure Staff: This item makes nearby mobs do a random teleport when its right clicked on the ground.

Pure Tart: This is a basic food item, it cures all potion effects when it's eaten.


Upcoming Bosses: 0

None the moment, but you can suggest your own to try to get some in



Suggest your own bosses in the comments