Mod Bouncy Creepers by vadis365

  • Bouncy Creepers by vadis365

    Adds Bouncy Creepers
    • 6531211
    • 139.06 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • June 3, 2018
    • December 15, 2018
    • Mobs
    Bouncy Creepers
Mod Information
NameBouncy CreepersAuthorvadis365DescriptionAdds Bouncy Creepers
InformationDownloads: 6531211
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 139.06 KB
Updated at: December 15, 2018
Created at: June 3, 2018

Bouncy Creepers adds a new mob to the game - A Creeper that bounces about.

Bouncy Creepers cause no damage to blocks; instead they release an AOE stinky cloud of gas that makes you nauseous and float. All the drops are the same as normal creepers.

Config options for spawning have been added and to turn off the jumping sounds.

Not much else to say really - Have fun!