Mod Bridging Mod (Quark/Bedrock) [Fabric/Quilt] by CG360
- 38.01 KB
- 1.20.1
- October 4, 2021
- June 19, 2023
- CosmeticMiscellaneous
Mod Information
Name | Bridging Mod (Quark/Bedrock) [Fabric/Quilt] | Author | CG360 | Description | Quark's Reach-Around Placement implemented as a Fabric/Quilt mod! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 38.01 KB Updated at: June 19, 2023 Created at: October 4, 2021 | Tags | Cosmetic Miscellaneous |
Bridging Mod (Fabric)
A fabric/quilt port of Quark's Reach-Around Placement feature with some tweaks to refine its experience. It's similar to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition's bridging features. Blocks can be placed horizontally for adjacent block gaps or vertically underneath blocks where the interactable surface is not visible.
⚠️ Warning
Do NOT use this mod on servers that don't outright approve of its use. It gives players an unfair advantage, classing it as a cheat on most multiplayer networks. It is much more suited for friendly SMPs where its use has been agreed on. You have been warned!
Differences to Quark:
> Customizable crosshair icons to notify the player that Reach-Around Placement is available.
- Located at
> More forgiving placement logic
- Can place when under 2 block ceilings
- Target areas are larger
Horizontal Placement
Vertical Placement
Quark Mod
- Licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Reach-Around Placement Implementors
- 🟣 Discord: @CG360#0001
- 🎥 Twitch .../cloudg360