Mod BucketLib by thecech12

  • BucketLib by thecech12

    Minecraft Forge library mod for custom Buckets
    • 590212
    • 95.90 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • December 25, 2021
    • September 9, 2023
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NameBucketLibAuthorthecech12DescriptionMinecraft Forge library mod for custom Buckets
InformationDownloads: 590212
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 95.90 KB
Updated at: September 9, 2023
Created at: December 25, 2021
API and Library

BucketLib is a Minecraft Forge library mod for developers. The purpose is to provide functionality for developers to add their own buckets without having trouble implementing all special cases. To add this mod to your environment, see the Developer Guide


  • Compatible with all fluids: Water and Lava as well as all modded fluids are supported by buckets generated with this library mod.
  • Entities can be obtained: Entities like axolotl, fish, tadpole and mobs of other mods can be obtained.
  • Bucketable Blocks can be obtained: Powder Snow and bucketable blocks of other mods can be obtained.
  • Compatible with all milk special cases: Entities like cows and goats can be milked and the milk is drinkable. Buckets filled with milk are also compatible with mods that contains a milk fluid.
  • Dispense Behaviour works out of the box
  • Fluid Handling: All buckets that are generated by this library mod are compatible with mods that are using fluid container items.

Highly configurable buckets

  • Obtaining fluids, entities and blocks can be limited by using allow lists and deny lists or by using the fluid temperature.
  • Buckets can be configured to crack when a fluid temperature exceeds a special value.
  • Option to define burning & freezing effect for fluid temperatures, fluids & blocks
  • Coloring a bucket can be enabled
  • Milking entities can be disabled


Can I use this mod in my own mod or mod pack? Yes, you are allowed to use this mod in your mods and mod packs

Port to another Minecraft version? Which versions are supported? Sorry, but I do not backport any mod to an older version. Here is a list of all supported and planned versions: Minecraft mod versions of cech12

Is there a Fabric version? A version for Fabric is not planned.

Where is the config file? There is a defaultconfig directory, where you can find it. If you change something there it has only an effect on new savegames. For existing savegames you need to go to the serverconfig directory of the savegame.

I found a bug or I have a good idea to enhance this mod! Very good! Open an issue at Github. You have no Github-Account? You can also contact me here in the comments or via private message.
