Mod Butcher's Delight by onuadan

  • Butcher's Delight by onuadan

    This is a mod that complements animal processing
    • 2.97 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • December 2, 2021
    • September 28, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Butcher's Delight
Mod Information
NameButcher's DelightAuthoronuadanDescriptionThis is a mod that complements animal processing
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 2.97 MB
Updated at: September 28, 2023
Created at: December 2, 2021



This is a mod that complements animal processing by increasing the meat production of each peaceful creature


 skull cow




When killing a peaceful mob, it will drop an object from the dead animal that needs to be

processed according to the type:

cows, pigs and sheep on a meat hook,

 Hooked Pig


chickens on any flat surface


using a cleaver/knife will proceed to de-skin and cut the animal into pieces



The hides can be used in a leather tanner and with scissors extract for more leather

 Leather Tanner


Roaster for early processing, without iron


place it on a campfire and then some animal item, wait for it to cook and then remove it by hand
if a cleaver/knife is used, more parts will be extracted

 Roasting a Sheep


Compatible with Farmer's Delight:

You can use the cleaver on a cutting board to process each of the animal pieces into their vanilla counterparts

increasing the amount of meat extracted from each animal.

you can use any knife as cleaver


the list of foods for Farmer's delight will not add them until the artist finishes all the icons,
so I will be working on the port to 1.17 and 1.18


future plans:

Update to 1.17 - testing

Update to 1.18 - working on

add More foods for each animal parts - paused

add compatibility with other animal mods - until finishing mods updates and and adding meals