Mod Cammie's Minecart Tweaks by Cammie

  • Cammie's Minecart Tweaks by Cammie

    Makes Minecarts more viable as a form of transportation.
    • 64.57 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • February 13, 2022
    • February 27, 2023
    • Player Transport
      Server Utility
      Utility & QoL
    Cammie's Minecart Tweaks
Mod Information
NameCammie's Minecart TweaksAuthorCammieDescriptionMakes Minecarts more viable as a form of transportation.
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 64.57 KB
Updated at: February 27, 2023
Created at: February 13, 2022
Player Transport
Server Utility
Utility & QoL



Cammie's Minecart Tweaks is an overhaul to how Minecarts work. Minecarts on their own are now 25% faster, but they can also be linked together with a chain, pulled by Furnace Minecarts (which are now four times as fast!), and more!

For a list of all features, see below:

- Server-Side Tweaks:

  - Minecarts have a capped speed of 8 m/s when going around turns (configurable)

  - Minecarts speed brought up from 8 m/s to 10 m/s (configurable)

  - Minecarts will deal 20 damage when ramming into an entity (configurable)

  - Minecarts can be linked together with chains (toggleable)

  - Furnace Minecarts move at 40 m/s when fueled (configurable)

  - Furnace Minecarts max burn time was brought up from 32000 ticks to 72000 ticks (configurable)

  - Powered Rails will stop Furnace Minecarts (toggleable)

  - Furnace Minecarts can be fueled by all fuel sources, not just coal and charcoal (toggleable)

  - Furnace Minecarts can load chunks when fueled (toggleable)


- Client-Side Tweaks:

  - Furnace Minecarts produce Campfire Smoke particles (toggleable)

  - The player's view angle can be locked to the Minecart's direction (default off, toggleable)

  - Maximum deviation if the player's view angle is locked is 90 degrees with smoothing (configurable)