Mod Carry the Nametag by CartoonishVillain

  • Carry the Nametag by CartoonishVillain

    When two nametagged animals are bred, carry over the name to the baby.
    • 10.51 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • November 14, 2021
    • June 26, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Carry the Nametag
Mod Information
NameCarry the NametagAuthorCartoonishVillainDescriptionWhen two nametagged animals are bred, carry over the name to the baby.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 10.51 KB
Updated at: June 26, 2023
Created at: November 14, 2021

Carry the Nametag is a quick mod that allows you to keep large farms of animals of named with less hassle.

The short version

When you breed to animals, if they both have the same name, then the offspring of the two animals will also have the name applied to them. Think two Dinnerbone cows being bred, the new baby cow will also be a Dinnerbone cow now automatically.

If two animals have names that are different when bred, their names will be cut into halves, and stitched back together. So a Dinnerbone and a jeb_ sheep could make a sheep named Dinneb_, or a sheep named b_Dinne.

If one or neither of the animals bred have a nametag, nothing special happens.

Interested? Here's some more!

I appreciate that you are interested, though quite legitimately every aspect of this mod was explained in "The short version"

Can I put this in my modpacks?


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