Mod Charm by svenhjol

  • Charm by svenhjol

    A vanilla+ mod inspired by Quark, adding lots of small things to the game.
    • 20709230
    • 3.78 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • April 6, 2019
    • September 21, 2022
    • Utility & QoL
Mod Information
NameCharmAuthorsvenhjolDescriptionA vanilla+ mod inspired by Quark, adding lots of small things to the game.
InformationDownloads: 20709230
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 3.78 MB
Updated at: September 21, 2022
Created at: April 6, 2019
Utility & QoL

Charm splash image

Charm is a mod for Minecraft inspired by the Quark mod in that it is designed to enhance the vanilla game experience without compromising its gameplay style.


Please note: This is the Fabric version of Charm.  The Forge version of Charm is here:


Due to problems with the curse mod loader, the Fabric and Forge versions have been split into different curseforge projects.

Legacy versions of Charm for Forge will be kept here to maintain compatibility with modpacks.


Read about all features here!


Some 1.18 features:

Barrels and Crates in all wood textures

Azalea wood variant

Portable crafting

Use leather to craft bundles, and dye them all 16 colors

Quality of life crafting recipes and stackable items

Atlases to hold multiple maps that update as you explore

No upper limit on repairing your tools with XP

Improved loot in Mansions and Fortresses

Mineshaft corridors and rooms have more ore to find

Kilns for fast smelting of clay and sand

Lumberjack and Beekeeper villagers

Automatically stack and tidy inventories

Extract enchantments onto books using a grindstone

Super cute Coral Squids

Mooblooms in Flower Forest biomes that bees can pollinate

Totem of Preserving to hold your items if you die

Find a raid horn and use it to call off a raid

Use your Totem Of Undying from anywhere in your inventory

Ender Pearl blocks that you teleport to when eating chorus fruit

Lots of new variant textures for mobs

Use crying obsidian when creating portal frames

No more accidentally hurting your own pets

Grind down fully repaired armor or horse armor into ingots/gems

Trade with a Wandering Villager for a map to more structures

Advancements to help you explore what the mod has to offer


Feel free to use this mod in modpacks without asking permission, and report errors and compatibility issues to the github issue tracker, not to private messages.


-- Sven Hjól