Mod Chat Colors by thanksihadtosignupforthis

  • Chat Colors by thanksihadtosignupforthis

    Allows the use of colours/formatting in chat, item names, and everywhere else that allows you to type.
    • 9.84 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • December 28, 2021
    • June 17, 2023
    • Utility & QoL
    Chat Colors
Mod Information
NameChat ColorsAuthorthanksihadtosignupforthisDescriptionAllows the use of colours/formatting in chat, item names, and everywhere else that allows you to type.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 9.84 KB
Updated at: June 17, 2023
Created at: December 28, 2021
Utility & QoL

Chat Colours

Overhauls the game's 13 year old text formatting syntax.


Markdown-like syntax

This mod allows you to use markdown-like syntax to format your text in minecraft:

*italic text* -> italic text
**bold text** -> bold text
***bold + italic*** -> bold + italic
__underline__ -> underline
~~strikethrough~~ -> strikethrough
this **is** bold -> this is bold
this __*is* multiple things__ -> this is multiple things

The terminating set of symbols is optional, e.g. **hello will still be bold.

If you put a star at the start of the name of an item in an anvil, it will cancel out the italic


Hex codes/custom colours

This mod allows you to colour your text with custom colours:

[#ff0000]red text -> red text
[#ff00FF]pink text -> pink text
**[#00ff00]bold green text** or [#00ff00]**bold green text**-> bold green text

The codes are case-insensitive.


Extended format syntax

This feature has been replaced by new syntax, but still works.

The mod allows you to use named colours instead of the normal single letters.

The names are white, black, blue, green, aqua (or cyan), red, purple, gray and yellow.

The names are case-insensitive.

To use the dark version of the colour (except white and black), put "d", "dark" or "deep" before or after the name. You can optionaly use a space or underscore between the name and the prefix/suffix. For example, §[dark_blue], §[deepblue], §[blue d], §[dblue] all make dark blue text

§[gold], the name MCWiki gives the colour, can also be used for dark yellow.


Bold, underline, italics, etc

You can also use:

  • §[s] for strikeout text,
  • §[b] for bold text,
  • §[o] for obfuscated text,
  • §[u] for underlined text,
  • and §[r] for §r (reset)


Multiple style options

Format options can be chained without needing multiple §s. For example, §[red][u][i]text will show red, bold, underlined text. You need to put the colour before the bold and underline. This is because the colour code resets the style to be coloured, but not italic, bold, etc. This is a minecraft thing, and also applies to vanilla formatting codes.


Use on servers

If you want to use this mod on a server, this mod will have to be installed on it, or the server must otherwise allow you to send '§' in chat, or the server will automatically kick you when you use formatting.