Mod ChemLib by Dark_Arcana

  • ChemLib by Dark_Arcana

    Items for all periodic elements and many chemical compounds
    • 3732877
    • 12.98 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • September 8, 2019
    • September 26, 2023
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NameChemLibAuthorDark_ArcanaDescriptionItems for all periodic elements and many chemical compounds
InformationDownloads: 3732877
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 12.98 MB
Updated at: September 26, 2023
Created at: September 8, 2019
API and Library


ChemLib - Elements & Compounds Library

This library adds over 950+ items to Minecraft, with the intention of adding all known chemical elements, along with many compounds, metals, liquids, and gases that exists in the real world. The purpose of this library is to provide a shared source of items, blocks, and fluids for chemistry and tech mods. It was originally developed exclusively for the Alchemistry mod but can now be used by any mod!


Chem Lib is a simple mod that adds plenty of chemistry related items including:

  • All 118 chemical elements found on the periodic table.
  • Ingots, nuggets, dusts, and plates for all elements that make sense (i.e. all except for gases, mercury, iron, gold, etc).
  • Dozens of chemical compounds, in solid, liquid, and gas forms.
  • Gases and liquids in bucket or block form (upside-down bucket is for gases, regular bucket is for liquids).
  • Redstone powered gas lamps and metal blocks for all elements that make sense.
  • An interactive periodic table of elements that players can craft.


For Developers

To add this library as a dependency for your mod, check out the GitHub