Mod Chisel Facades by Choonster
- 6.99 KB
- 1.7.10
- July 27, 2014
- August 31, 2015
- AddonsBuildcraftCosmetic
Name | Chisel Facades | Author | Choonster | Description | Adds Chisel's blocks as BuildCraft Facades |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.7.10 Size: 6.99 KB Updated at: August 31, 2015 Created at: July 27, 2014 | Tags | Addons Buildcraft Cosmetic |
This is a small compatibility mod that adds Chisel's blocks as BuildCraft Facades.
There are five separate versions of the mod:
- One for asie's update of Chisel for 1.6.4 (ChiselFacades-1.6.4-1.X.jar) which adds 564 of Chisel's block variations as Facades
- One for Delta534's update (download) of Chisel for 1.6.4 (ChiselFacades-1.6.4-1.X-delta.jar) which adds 578 of Chisel's block variations as Facades
- One for Pokefenn's update of Chisel for 1.7.10 (ChiselFacades-1.7.10-2.X.jar) which adds 630 of Chisel's block variations as Facades
- One for TheCricket26's update of Chisel for 1.7.10 (ChiselFacades-1.7.10-2.X-cricket.jar) which adds 32 of Chisel's block variations as Facades (previously 768 in 2.9-cricket for BuildCraft < 6.3)
- One for Chisel Team's update of Chisel for 1.7.10 (ChiselFacades-1.7.10-2.X-chiselteam) which adds 32 of Chisel's block variations as Facades
Make sure you download the version that's compatible with the versions of Minecraft and Chisel you're using.
Chisel Facades 2.10-cricket and BuildCraft 6.3+
Due to changes in BuildCraft's Facade detection code, only blocks with non-1.0 block bounds are registered by this mod. Most of Chisel's blocks are automatically added as Facades by BuildCraft itself.
The only Facades added by this mod now are Marble Slab and Marble Pillar Slab (only with old pillars disabled in Chisel's config).
This also applies to the Chisel Team version.
Known Limitations - 1.6.4
Facades of blocks that use any type of dynamic rendering (e.g. connected textures [Pillars, Snakestone], animations [Lavastone] or particle effects [Obsidian Snakestone]) will only display static textures. Snakestone Facades will always display with the head pointing south.
Facades aren't created for Glass Panes, non-block Carpets (because they render just like their regular block forms) or Stairs. Facades are created for Iron Bars because they don't have a regular block form.
asie version
Facades are only created for old-style Marble Pillar blocks and new-style Marble Pillar slabs. Old-style slabs and new-style blocks don't render properly as Facades. You can read more about this limitation on the wiki.
Delta534 version
Facades are only created for new-style Marble Pillar slabs. This is due to the same limitation as exists in the asie version. Unlike the asie version, both old- and new-style Marble Pillar blocks work without issue.
Grass Facades display their grass as grey instead of green.
Snakestone Head Facades may display rotated the wrong way if a pipe (or other Facade-compatible block) is connected to that face of the block.
Known Limitations - 1.7.10
Crafting of Facades from Chisel blocks is broken when using BuildCraft 6.1.X or 6.2.0. Use 6.2.1 or later.
The limitations of dynamic rendering and Snakestone blocks as described above still apply (and probably always will).
The limitations of Marble Pillars as described above still apply.
Facades aren't created for Glass Panes, non-block Carpets (because they render just like their regular block forms) or Stairs. Facades are created for Iron Bars and Paper Walls, because they don't have a regular block form.
Facades aren't created for Ice or Ice Pillars because BuildCraft tries to add blocks with a renderType of 0 (which these have) itself and will reject explicit requests to create Facades for these blocks. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work properly with Chisel's Ice blocks.
Cricket version
Facades aren't created for Presents because they don't display properly.
Chisel Team version
Facades aren't created for Presents because they don't display properly.
Chisel Facades depends on Minecraft Forge, Chisel and BuildCraft (obviously). I recommend you use the latest versions of each available for your version of Minecraft.
To install, simply place the downloaded JAR in your Minecraft mods folder.
You're free to use this in any modpack. I'd appreciate being notified, but it's not strictly necessary for you to do so.
Downloading through Curse is preferred when possible as it very slowly earns me a small amount of money, but it's not mandatory.
Source Code
You can view the source code of the mod on GitHub. It's licensed under the MIT License.
Branches: master (asie - 1.6.4), delta-1.6 (Delta534 - 1.6.4), 1.7 (Pokefenn - 1.7.10), cricket-1.7 (TheCricket26 - 1.7.10), chiselteam-1.7 (Chisel Team, 1.7.10)
Thanks to Pahimar for his Let's Mod Reboot series, which taught me some of the basics of modding. Thanks to JavaMatrix, Yvesm, Fir3will and Vic_ for their help in the Mod Development forum.