Mod ChocoCraft by clienthax

  • ChocoCraft by clienthax

    This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form.
    • 3703681
    • 643.49 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • November 1, 2014
    • July 20, 2023
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
NameChocoCraftAuthorclienthaxDescriptionThis mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form.
InformationDownloads: 3703681
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 643.49 KB
Updated at: July 20, 2023
Created at: November 1, 2014
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons


banner made by galindorf


About Chococraft

(This Mod is the continuation of ChocoCraft which can be found here)


This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different colored mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form.

The most basic type can be found in the wild and can be tamed by using "Gysahl Greens" on them. Gysahl Greens is a plant found in the wild, but also can be planted by sowing Gysahl Seeds. Gysahl Seeds can be received by crafting from Gysahl Greens or by harvesting planted Gysahl Greens.

Chocobos can be breed and procreate. The offspring will be a Chicobo, the juvenile form of a Chocobo. After a while a Chicobo will grow into a Chocobo. Chicobos will be born wild and have to be tamed. Chicobos will inherit the type from one of their parents or mutate into new types. Thus by repeatedly breeding Chocobos all normal types of Chocobos can be acquired from tamed wild Chocobos. There are a few special Chocobo types though, which can only be acquired by special means.


If you want to know more about the mod I urge you to install Patchouli alongside as it'll allow more information to show in the Chocopedia.


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