Mod Clay Bucket by abecderic

  • Clay Bucket by abecderic

    Adds a clay bucket for early game.
    • 32.30 KB
    • 1.15.2
    • March 6, 2016
    • March 21, 2020
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Clay Bucket
Mod Information
NameClay BucketAuthorabecdericDescriptionAdds a clay bucket for early game.
Version: 1.15.2
Size: 32.30 KB
Updated at: March 21, 2020
Created at: March 6, 2016
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Getting Started

Craft an Unfired Clay Bucket from three pieces of clay and then smelt that bucket to get a Clay Bucket. A Clay Bucket can hold water and lava but will crumble in your hands once you've poured lava out.



Clay Buckets can't hold milk and you can't catch fish with them. Use them once and then switch to better buckets or other fluid containers.


Forge vs Fabric

For Minecraft 1.15.2 I have made one version of the mod for Minecraft Forge and one version for Fabric. Pick the correct one.


Modpack Policy

You can use Clay Bucket in your modpack, but monetization is not allowed.