Mod Clear Despawn [Forge] by StrikerRocker

  • Clear Despawn [Forge] by StrikerRocker

    Makes dropped items flash when they're about to despawn.
    • 18.76 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • December 9, 2018
    • July 17, 2023
    • Utility & QoL
    Clear Despawn [Forge]
Mod Information
NameClear Despawn [Forge]AuthorStrikerRockerDescriptionMakes dropped items flash when they're about to despawn.
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 18.76 KB
Updated at: July 17, 2023
Created at: December 9, 2018
Utility & QoL


Clear Despawn is a mod that makes dropped items flash when they're about to despawn. By default, this happens when the item has about 20 seconds left until despawn and the flashing gradually gets faster as the timer goes down. Both of these elements have configuration options.

This mod is client-side only.

There's not much else to say, so here's an example gif:

Configuration Options

  • Time for Flashing - The number of seconds the item has left before despawn to start flashing (default: 20)
  • Item Despawn Time - The despawn time of  item in ticks (default: 6000)