Mod Colossal Chests by kroeser
- 25147334
- 221.93 KB
- 1.20.1
- November 11, 2015
- July 1, 2023
- Storage
Name | Colossal Chests | Author | kroeser | Description | For when regular chests are too small |
Information | Downloads: 25147334 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 221.93 KB Updated at: July 1, 2023 Created at: November 11, 2015 | Tags | Storage |
This mod requires the Cyclops Core library!
Come talk to us in #colossalchests on the Cyclops Discord server!
Sometimes, regular chests are just too small, this mod allows you to create multiblock chests of any size. (The maximum size can be changed in the config file)
Mod Spotlights:
To build these chests, you will need multiple Colossal Chest Wall blocks and exactly one Colossal Chest Core block.
This Core block will contain the actual items of the multiblock, so break that one, and all items will pop out.
Your structure must be cubic, each side must have an equal length. The minimum size of the structure is two blocks.
The structure must be made up of Chest Wall's, exactly one Colossal Chest Core block must be present in the structure.
Once your structure is valid, the multiblock will be formed visually.
You must only build the actual walls of the structure, leave the inside of the structure hollow.
You can attach hoppers and pipes to the chest at the position of the Colossal Chest Core block.
Obviously, you can also open a gui to manage the inventory of the chest yourself.
Optionally, you can add any number of Colossal Chest Interface blocks to your structure to make those spots interfacable with hoppers and pipes.
Next to the wood chests, variants for all types of metals (including obsidian) also exist, just like with the Iron Chest mod.
When the Iron Chest mod is detected, those chest textures are used, otherwise the internal textures are used (this can be disabled).
If you have enough with wooden chests, these metal variants can be disabled easily.
The Obsidian Colossal Chest is an upgraded version of the Diamon Colossal Chest, which has the same content size, but can not explode. The wall can be crafted by surrounding a diamond chest wall with eight obsidian blocks in a crafting grid.
The Upgrade and Downgrade tools can be used to up/downgrade a chest to the next/previous tier without having to break and replace all blocks. This requires you to have all required blocks of a next/previous tier in your inventory, and this tool will automatically replace the chest with the corresponding material, while maintaining its inventory.
Note that the Downgrade tool can make inventories smaller, so items may pop out if your inventory becomes too small for the new material.
If you are having trouble with your chest not forming, you can right-click with an empty hand on the incomplete structure to see why it won't form.
Formula for number of slots = ceil((diameter ^ 3) * 27 * material_factor)
Material factors:
- Wood: 1
- Copper: 1.666
- Iron: 2
- Silver: 2.666
- Gold: 3
- Diamond: 4
- Obsidian: 4
And finally, the most colossal chest of 'em all! (Crafted with a Chest Wall and a Wood Plank)
This mod collects anonymized startup data, this can be disabled in the config file and adheres to Minecraft's snooper settings.
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