Mod Comfortable Nether by TheRealZonko
- 17.80 MB
- 1.16.5
- April 19, 2021
- July 6, 2022
- BiomesDimensionsFoodMCreatorMobs
Name | Comfortable Nether | Author | TheRealZonko | Description | [Reincarnation Update has arrived] A 2nd Nether Update where you can live independently in the Nether |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 17.80 MB Updated at: July 6, 2022 Created at: April 19, 2021 | Tags | Biomes Dimensions Food MCreator Mobs |
Have a suggestion or bug? Join my Discord to ask!
What is Comfortable Nether mod?
Comfortable Nether mod aims to improve the sustainability the Nether lacks so that you can live independently from the overworld. The Nether lacks food, the Soul Sand Valley lacks content, and there aren't enough mobs. All have been answered by this mod!
The main content of this mod is the following;
-19+ new food items
-12 New Mobs
-Nether gear meant to protect yourself from the elements such as lava and fall damage
-New Decoration blocks meant to make bases more interesting once you reach the mid to end game
-Expansions on the existing vanilla Nether biomes
-Endgame goals
-Am I porting to 1.18 or higher, or backporting to older versions: I cannot answer that, my schedule is always changing so I don't know when or what version.
-Can I redistribute this mod on other websites? No. (Especially not 9Minecraft)
-Can I use this mod's content for other mods? You aren't allowed, but go to the Forking permissions rules below.
-Can I put this mod in a modpack? Absolutely, don't need to ask me at all!
-Can I sell this mod? You cannot sell this mod.
-JEI compatibility with Ethereal Table? I can't do that, but I gave each item an unobtainable schematic you can grab in JEI which shows a recipe image if you press SPACE. The recipes are also shown on the Curseforge page itself!
All content and changes are documented in the spoiler tags. Every single detail you need to know about the mod is listed below! (Warning Spoilers Ahead)
Use these guides especially for Brewing and Ethereal Table recipes
-Root Scramble: A typical salad made of dried roots
-Spirit Soup: A Soul Sand Valley soup that grants Slow Falling for 8 seconds
-Remnant Stew: A delicious stew brewed with Strider Milk and Popped Pummeler Remnants. Extinguishes the player when eaten.
-Abscess Jello: A dessert brewed from the ferocious Insatiable's blubber and Weeping Abscess
-Strider Milk: Milked from a Strider with a bowl, and can be used to extinguish any player and any mob such as pets or Zombie Villagers
-Popped Pummeler Remnant: The after-product of a Pummeler Remnant which is nutritious and grants Resistance for 10 seconds
-Crimson and Warped Rotten Wraps: Wraps made from Rotten Flesh and Dried Roots, which are a little more nutritious than flesh
-Wallcreep Bulb: A food source and crafting ingredient for Urn of Inverse
-Baleen Filter: A minor food source that can be crafted into Golden Snouts and Stuffed Filters
-Stuffed Filter: An upgraded food source from the Baleen Filter, made from it and Nether Warts
-Dustsprout: A new food from the plant that is as good as a Berry
-Dustsprout Pie: A pie made from Strider Milk, Dustsprouts, and Brown Mushrooms
-Flaming Abscess: A food that can be eaten twice as fast
-Weeping Abscess: An early game food source from the Soul Sand Valley, but it takes twice as long to eat
-Passionfruit: An item made from the Ethereal Table that is like a Golden Apple, but grants Passion for 1 minute instead of Absorption
-Rhizome Slice: A meaty/mushroomy slice of food dropped by Rhizomes
-Cooked Rhizome Slice: A rubbery meal
-Weeping Liana plant: A plant that grows in the Soul Sand Valley. It cannot grow on its own but rather relies on Bonemeal. Drops Weeping Abscess
-Dustsprout Plant: A new plant in the Basalt Deltas that can be grown on any block, but cannot be bonemeal-ed
-Crimson Bulbling: A decorative Crimson Forest plant that emits light
-Tangleweed: A tall grassy Warped Forest plant with dark red tips that poison all pig mob variants in the Nether (Hoglins, Zoglins, Piglins, and Piglin Brutes)
-Fume Puffer: A new Warped Forest plant that gives Jump Boost 2 for a couple of seconds when you stand on it. Can be stacked into a Tall Fume Puffer
-Tall Fume Puffer: The taller version of a Fume Puffer
-Grimdrop: A new Crimson Forest plant that drops Grimdrop Stems
All Urns require the Brewing Stand and a Disturbed In a Bottle in the bottom.
-Urn of Panicking: An urn that grants Speed III, Weakness II, and Mining Fatigue II for 20 seconds. Crafted using a Flaming Abscess and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Urn of Inversion: An urn that reverts all of your potion effects into their opposites if they can be changed with a fermented spider eye (For example, Poison would give Healing, but Night Vision would not give Blindness since you can't brew it). It is crafted using a Wallcreep Bulb and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Urn of Passion: An urn that grants the Passion effect. It is crafted using a Blaze Rod and a Disturbed in a bottle.
-Urn of Syphoning: This urn removes Poison and Wither effects upon usage. Crafted using an Insatiable Blubber and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Urn of Rage: A very powerful yet lethal Urn that grants Strength III for 30 seconds, but also grants Wither III for 10 seconds, leaving the player at half a heart at the end. Crafted using a Strange Apparatus and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Urn of Ripening: A healing potion that temporarily buries you alive and heals up to 9 health of damage, but gives you Slowness II for some time as a downside. Crafted using Rhizome Bulbs and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Fungus Bomb: A throwable bomb that does not destroy blocks and does 4-7 hearts of damage to enemies. It can also be used for getting to high places if used on self. Stackable to 16
-Pummeler Club: A club that hits so hard it causes minor fall damage to mobs with not enough knockback resistance. Can also be used to move Wallcreep downward for safe traveling down high places
-Axe of Rectitude: A weapon that Piglin Brutes sometimes wield. While at 6 health, you will gain Resistance II and Glowing. Can also be given to a Piglin to gain the Piglin Mogul trading potion effect, but you'll also have to have a Netherite Scrap in your offhand. This does not remove the Netherite Scrap though
-Padded Leather Boots: Boots when worn will immediately extinguish the user after escaping fire or lava
-Soulfire Saber: A powerful sword made of Crystalline Carbon and Free Souls. It shoots crystalline projectiles, but players will catch on fire for 1 second whenever they swing the blade
-Null Rod: A weapon obtained through Mogul trading that can manipulate speed in a small radius. Press right click for speed to all entities and players in a radius of 20 blocks, and press shift + right click to give all entities and players slowness in a radius of 20 blocks
-Piglin Snout: A mask that prevents the player from suffocating while in Y-28 or less in the Basalt Deltas
-Curio of Passion: A trinket that, while in the inventory, give the Passion potion effect, which will decrease all cooldowns of Comfortable Nether weapons by 3 seconds. This ability does not make a cooldown timer go below 1 second though
-Baleen Pouch: A balloon-like pouch that can propel the player in the air and glide them down
-Spectral Lantern: A lantern that makes all entities in a 40 block radius glow for a temporary time
-Soul Catcher: A powerful tool that uses Free Souls as ammo to catch other souls into trapped states
-Fumigator: A ranged item that uses Free Souls to decimate nearby Crimson and Warped Wart blocks, making it a good end game item to clear out forests of floating trees. Has a cooldown
-Quartz Bottle: A bottle that is able to trap spirits within
-Disturbed In a Bottle: A bottle containing a Disturbed mob that can be used for Urns or can be released
-Soul In a Bottle: A bottle containing a Soul mob that can be used for Soul Torches, Spirit Soup, given to a Nyliun mob, or can be released
-Lubberkin In a Bottle: A bottle containing a Lubberkin that can be used for trading with a Nyliun for a Strange Apparatus or can be released
-Vex In a Bottle: A bottle containing a Vex that can be used for Ethereal Table crafting
-Pummeler Remnant: A remnant from a Pummeler mob hard as a rock, but can be popped with a Weeping Abcess to make it able to be eaten
-Dried Crimson/Wart Roots: Roots dried from a campfire that can be used for food and can be crafted into Paper
-Insatiable Blubber: Thick blubber that has a multitude of uses, including trading to a Nyliun, crafted into Leads, Danishes, or Fungus Bombs
-Crystalline Carbon: An item in the underground Basalt Deltas that can be slowly smelted into Diamonds.
-Fuligo: An item in the Crimson Forest that is used to brew the Urn of Ripening using it and a Disturbed in a Bottle.
-Heart of the Nether: An item dropped by all Netherite Golems both made by players and the Piglin Mogul. It is an essential component to making Netherite Golems.
-Music Disc Fungi Feet by Twocxk: A disc that can be crafted using fungus and Netherite scrap
-Music Disc Brave New World by Brady Cline: A disc that can be gotten by trading a Weeping Abscess in a Mogul Trade
-Music Disc Piglin Brutality by Brady Cline: A disc that can be gotten by trading a Flaming Abscess in a Mogul Trade
-Grimdrop Stem: An item used for Scaffolding and Soulfire Blade
-Liquid Grimdrop: A liquidized version of Grimdrop that can create Flaming Abscess. It is crafted putting a liquid stem in a brewing stand with a quartz bottle on the bottom.
-Rebond: An expensive ranged spirit item that teleports back to your inventory after fired. Crafted using the Ethereal Table
-Fluke Talisman: A single-use talisman that immediately uses itself when you fall in lava, granting Fire Resistance for 30 seconds. Crafted using the Ethereal Table
-Rhizome Bulbs: Seeds dropped by the Rhizome that can be planted into Nested Netherrack to grow Rhizomes
-Trapped Lubberkin, Trapped Flare, Trapped Disturbed, Trapped Insatiable, Trapped Soul, and Trapped Vex: Spirits trapped using the Soul Catcher. Larger mobs such as the Flare must have 30 or less health in order to be caught
-Lava Lamp: a new animated light decoration block. It is made in a Brewing Stand using Magma Cream on the top and Fortified Glass on the bottom.
-Somberstone and its brick variants: A new building block made from Blackstone and Insatiable Blubber
-Wallcreep: A new plant in the Warped Forest that can be pushed down using a Pummeler Club, making it easier to get down from high places. Breaking it with a pickaxe yields netherrack and sometimes a Wallcreep Bloom. Using Silktouch will get the Wallcreep block. Fortune affects Wallcreep Bloom harvest rate
-Fortified Glass: Glass made from Quartz and Polished Basalt that is strong enough to resist Ghast fireballs
-Blended Barrel: A barrel mixed with Ancient Netherrack, which makes it undetectable to Piglins, making it a safe chest in the Nether
-Piled Residue: An ashen Basalt Deltas block that can be broken by hand in order to help escape the biome in the early game. It can also be used to repair cracked bricks such as Stone Bricks, Blackstone Bricks, and Nether Bricks. Can be used to craft TNT as well in replacement of Sand
-Crystalline Carbon Ore: A new ore in the underground Basalt Deltas (Y-24 or less). Crystalline Carbon can be smelted again in a Blast Furnace to convert into a Diamond but takes 4 times as long to smelt
-Gilded Basalt: A block that spawns in the underground Basalt Deltas that drops 1-3 Iron Nuggets
-Withered Remains: The Soul Sand Valley's version of Coal. It is rare as Diamonds but spawns in clusters of 30-40
-Scorched Netherrack: A block that spawns in the underground Nether Wastes that has a 50% chance to drop Blaze Powder
-Wary Soul Sand: A block that spawns a Disturbed when broken
-Abandoned Wreckage: Veins of Netherrack debris in the Nether Wastes that has a rare chance to drop basic loot such as sticks, wheat, charcoal, and the occasional book and wooden log. Can be harvested with an empty hand as well
-Ancient Netherrack and its variants: A new form of Netherrack in the underground Crimson Forest that is a neat building block with brick variants. It has a chance to lead players to Ancient Debris as well
-Netherite Core: Dropped by the Netherite Golem. It is the core block for building a new Netherite Golem
-Spectral Blackstone and its variants: A more eerie-looking blackstone variant made in the Ethereal Table. It has 17 versions divided in polished, brick, cracked brick, and chiseled blocks
-Extirpator: A bomb made of Vexes that has a 50% larger explosion radius than regular TNT. When it explodes, it eliminates all nearby lava as well. Crafted using the Ethereal Table
-Voidmaw: A chest that has 52 slots instead of 36, but in exchange for more space, the Voidmaw consumes 3 items per stack. This doesn't affect non stackable items such as swords and armor. (For example, storing a stack of 45 blocks of Stone would yield back 42 Stone.) Crafted using the Ethereal Table
-Curseweed: A block that has a more potent Tangleweed affect to piglins and hoglins, withering them when standing on top of the block. Crafted using the Ethereal Table
-Nested Netherrack: A festered block of Netherrack that is home to Rhizomes in the Nether Wastes
-Rooted Rhizome: Nested Netherrack that has a living Rhizome dormant inside of it
-Tocsin: An alarm block that once redstone powered, makes all mobs in an 80 block radius glow for a few seconds. Similar to the Spectral Lantern but is obtainable more in the endgame. It also provides light when on
-Ethereal Table: A crafting table made using a Trapped Flare and a Respawn Anchor used to reincarnate and reuse spirits into crafting recipes to make new items. This table takes the essence and astral ideals of two items and fuses them together with an accompanying soul.
Ethereal Table Recipes
-Ethereal Table: A crafting table made using a Trapped Flare and a Respawn Anchor used to reincarnate and reuse spirits into crafting recipes to make new items. This table takes the essence and astral ideals of two items and fuses them together with an accompanying soul.
Changes to Existing Content
-Basalt Deltas:
-Going Y-28 or lower will make the player take Suffocation. This can be stopped if the player is wearing a Piglin Snout.
-Is now completely interchangeable with all other vanilla crafting recipes including Dispensers, Droppers, Observers, and Pistons.
Piglin Brutes
-Now sometimes spawn with Axe of Rectitude. When hurt, these brutes will sometimes activate their own Urn of Rage, making a netherite player a 3 hit kill on normal.
-Now have a loot table, dropping 1-3 Gold Nuggets, 1-3 Iron Nuggets, and sometimes 1 Golden Carrot. A Piglin Brute with the Axe of Rectitude has a 100% drop rate of the weapon.
All Piglins will have a 10% chance to drop the Golden Snout
-Can now be milked for Strider Milk.
-Golden Warped Fungi can heal Striders
-Can now be caught with a Soul Catcher
Blast Furnace
-Can be crafted using Polished Blackstone now in supplement of Smooth Stone
Mogul Trading Table
How to access it: Right click a Piglin while holding an Axe of Rectitude in your main hand and a Netherite Scrap in your offhand. The Netherite Scrap won't go away but the Axe will, the Piglin will disappear then reappear assuring you the Mogul's Offering for 20 minutes.
-Any vanilla seed = 1 Redstone
-1 Crying Obsidian = 1 Nametag
-1 Nether Heart = 1 Wither Skull
-1 Strange Apparatus = 1 Fermented Spider Eye
-1 Pigstep Disc = 1 Totem of Undying
-1 Nether Star = 1 Null Rod
-1 Crystalline Carbon = 4 Lapis Lazuli
-1 Heart of the Sea = 1 Netherite Ingot
-1 Fool's Gold = 1 angry Piglin Mogul, who will send a Netherite Golem after you
-1 Weeping Abscess = 1 Brave New World disc
-1 Flaming Abscess = 1 Piglin Brutality disc
All Biomes
-Flare: A titanic flying neutral mob with 300 health that roams the Nether. If attacked, it starts to manipulate gravity everywhere, causing all mobs to levitate. When below 30 health, it'll start smoking and it can be caught with a Soul Catcher
It drops Glowstone, but it is more worth catching it and trapping it as an item to craft an Ethereal Table.
Nether Wastes
-Rhizome: An aggressive plant mob that lives under Nested Netherrack. Dig one out by right clicking Rhizome Bulb blocks with a shovel. They drop seeds that can be replanted to grow even more Rhizomes for a reliable food source.
Soul Sand Valley
-Disturbed: A hostile mob that hides in Suspicious Soul Sand. It drops nothing, but can be caught in a Quartz Bottle and can be crafted into Urns for powerful effects. They can be caught with a Soul Catcher
-The Insatiable: A large flying hostile mob that eats Souls and drops 1-3 Insatiable Blubber. They can be caught with a Soul Catcher
-Soul: A small passive mob that can be caught in a Quartz Bottle for other uses. It also follows the Player if they are holding a Shroomlight. They glow in the dark.
Right clicking a Soul with an Eye of Ender will turn them into a Vex. They can be caught with a Soul Catcher
Basalt Deltas
-Pummeler: A very useful neutral mob that is allergic to Weeping Abscess. When fed one, it will sneeze and have a chance to drop a weird, yet tasty Popped Pummeler Remnant (don't worry it doesn't hurt the mob.) But if you do hurt the Pummeler, it will attack and deal 8x knockback damage as a Zombie.
The Pummeler will also follow a player holding an Iron Nugget and can be semi-tamed, making it completely passive instead of just neutral. Has a large resistance to knockback.
-Lava Baleen: A large neutral mob that survives the Basalt Deltas through filter-feeding lava and converting it into energy. It currently drops 1-3 Baleen Filters, which can be used to craft Golden Snouts or can be crafted into Stuffed Filters, a new food source.
Warped Forest
-Nyliun: A new neutral race of creatures that offer barters similar to piglins. They will sometimes hit or even break doors, fence gates, and certain Nether Crops. Giving one a Soul will provide a Gold Nugget. Giving one an Insatiable Blubber will provide a Nether Wart. Giving one a Ghast Tear will provide a Suspicious Soul Sand. And finally, giving one a Lubberkin in a Bottle will provide a Strange Apparatus, the key ingredient to an Urn of Rage.
-Lubberkin: A passive flying mob that drops nothing and grants Unluck III for 3 minutes when killed. But if you give it a Soul In a Bottle, it will disappear and grant the player Luck III for 3 minutes. They can be caught with a Soul Catcher
-Royal Saurian: A neutral lizard mob that is the Nether's version of a wolf. It has 14 health, is faster than a wolf, but cannot be sat down, so leashing it will keep it in one spot. Royal Saurians also have some time travel capabilities with Soul Soil. Feeding it Nether Wart will give it a rare chance to allow it to return seeds to the Nether that can only be obtained in the Overworld.
Crimson Forest
-Fuligan: A small creature that lives in Fuligo Mold blocks. It is hostile when you break its home, similar to the Disturbed. It drops 1-3 Fuligo, used to tame Saurians.
Spawnable by Player Only
-Netherite Golem: An extremely dangerous mob summoned when trading Fool's Gold in a Mogul Trade. Armed to the brim with Fungus Bombs and a prosthetic gold claw, it is a 300 health force of nature that has 3 stages of hostile attacks as its health goes down.
Stage 1: It uses brute force and not much else but hits like a truck.
Stage 2: It begins unleashing Fungus Bombs whenever hurt. It does take time to activate though, giving the player time to dodge.
Stage 3: It goes berserk mode, gaining Speed II and doubling the fire rate of Fungus Bombs.
It drops 2-3 Netherite Scrap, 2-4 Fungus Bombs, 3-7 Gold, 2-3 Blackstone, and 1 Heart of the Nether
The Netherite Golem can be built as well using a Netherite Core and Blackstone. The building procedure is shown below. The Loyal Netherite Golem is a fully repaired, player-built golem that will still attack the player if provoked.
I am allowing anyone to fork it or port it on their own, as long as they are given my permission via contacts (I am working on Comfortable Nether still so things may change or not line up).
Rules of forking permissions:
- You cannot use the assets or workspace until I give permission.
- If you are given access to fork the mod, do not share the mod workspace with others for them to make their own forks. If they want to do that, they too will need my permission.
- When you make the fork public, credit me somewhere in the page or mod itself, I'm really lenient on that.
- Using models, items, or other workspace content and putting them in other mods is prohibited.
- You don't have to make me an owner or any member of the new mod page.
- Once you get the fork, it is all yours to edit and you do not have to ask me what content you want to add or version you want to port to. I do hope that you stay true to how it's supposed to work and what it represents, though you don't have to oblige to that hope.
Brady Cline - Piglin Brutality (coming soon to the mod)
Brady Cline - Brave New World (coming soon to the mod)
Twockx - Fungi Feet
Mod Showcase Videos from Awesome People
(For those wanting to showcase the video, my dms on Discord are always open for help. Also since my update schedule is weird, those wanting to make a showcase will have full access to finished future content I make that isn't released to the public.)
Note: Some of these may be outdated with the new releases I make. Updates are prone to change as always when developing mods.
Soda Baka's review on Comfortable Nether on BiliBili
Any bugs found can be reported to me on my discord!
Known Compatible Mods (Which are most Forge mods, but Nether content ones are below)
-Alex's Mobs
-Infernal Expansion
-Biomes O Plenty
-Upgraded Netherite
-Netherite Horse Armor
-Bygone Nether
-Biomes You'll Go
-Shret Nether
Known Incompatible Mods
-Village Names (Only on Multiplayer)