Mod Compat O' Plenty by tdstress
- 1.79 MB
- 1.18.2
- December 20, 2021
- November 24, 2022
- AddonsCosmeticStorage
Name | Compat O' Plenty | Author | tdstress | Description | Integrates Biomes O' Plenty with Quark, Farmer's Delight and Buzzier Bees. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 1.79 MB Updated at: November 24, 2022 Created at: December 20, 2021 | Tags | Addons Cosmetic Storage |
Requires Blueprint and Biomes O' Plenty
Compat O' Plenty integrates a few popular mods with Biomes O' Plenty for a more complete experience!
Quark: Bookshelves, ladders, chests, hedges, posts, vertical planks and leaf carpets for all of BoP's woods and leaves! Also sandstone bricks for orange, white and black sandstone, a glowing moss counterpart to midori, and all relevant vertical slabs!
Woodworks: Beehives and boards for all of BoP's woods, alongside leaf piles for all of BoP's leaves! (All overlapping wood variant type blocks from the quark compat will be loaded as well.)
Farmer's Delight: Cabinets for all of BoP's woods and all relevant recipes for the cutting board!
Twigs: Tables for all of BoP's woods and a counterpart to polished amethyst made of rose quartz!
Boatload: Chest boats, furnace boats, and large boats for all of BoP's woods!
Additionally, this mod adds all the relevant recipes for Environmental's kiln and sawmill!
Additional Credits:
Logo art by JWX!
Russian localisation by mirkiv224!