Mod CompatLayer by McJty

  • CompatLayer by McJty

    Compatibility layer to help make mods compatible between 1.10 and 1.11
    • 39.77 KB
    • 1.11.2
    • November 17, 2016
    • February 16, 2018
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NameCompatLayerAuthorMcJtyDescriptionCompatibility layer to help make mods compatible between 1.10 and 1.11
Version: 1.11.2
Size: 39.77 KB
Updated at: February 16, 2018
Created at: November 17, 2016
API and Library

This small mod/library has some tools that can help to make mods binary compatible between 1.10 and 1.11. If you make sure you use the api in this mod correctly it is possible to make a mod jar that runs on both versions.


A few things that you should do in addition to what this library does:


  • Make all resource names (lang files, model names, json files, texture files, ...) lower case in your 1.10.2 version. Add a FMLMissingMapping event handler to take care old worlds load
  • Mod id should be lowercase too
  • Replace tileEntity.worldObj with tileEntity.getWorld()
  • Replace entityPlayer.worldObj with entityPlayer.getEntityWorld()

This is alpha. It is likely things are not complete yet.


Wiki for more information:

Tutorial for modders:

Maven for 1.10.2:

Maven for 1.11: