Mod Configured by MrCrayfish

  • Configured by MrCrayfish

    Automatic in-game configuration menus for every mod!
    • 21298872
    • 319.51 KB
    • 1.19.4
    • March 16, 2021
    • March 27, 2023
    • API and Library
      Server Utility
      Utility & QoL
Mod Information
NameConfiguredAuthorMrCrayfishDescriptionAutomatic in-game configuration menus for every mod!
InformationDownloads: 21298872
Version: 1.19.4
Size: 319.51 KB
Updated at: March 27, 2023
Created at: March 16, 2021
API and Library
Server Utility
Utility & QoL

If you like Configured, try out Catalogue for a better mod list menu!


Forge MrCrayfish's Website MrCrayfish's YouTube MrCrayfish's Discord MrCrayfish's Twitter

📖 About:

Configured is a simple and lightweight mod that dynamically creates a configuration menu for every mod. Previously mods would use Forge's built-in GUI system however that no longer exists in newer versions. This mod aims to reintroduce that system and create fresh new experience with an updated easy-to-use layout. The best part is that Configured supports* every mod and doesn't require other mods to write extra code. Configured allows you to change client, common and server configurations! This mod can be safely added to any modpack without any problems.
* Configured only supports mods that use Forge's config system, anything custom will not work.

✅ Features:

  • Supports editing client, common and server configurations (client files only). This can be done from the main menu or even in-game!
  • Automatically supports every mod that utilises the Forge config system. No extra work needed mod developers!
  • A simple and intuitive layout for quick modification of config values
  • Adds a new keybinding to open the mod list from in-game without additional mods.
  • Optional support for mod developers to set the background texture of their config menu (See below)
  • Lightweight and just works! Add it to your modpack without any problems.

📦 Developers:

This mod has support to change the background texture of the config screen. Just add [modproperties.<yourmodid>] to the bottom of your mods.toml then under it add an entry called configuredBackground set the value to "minecraft:textures/block/stone.png" or another location to a texture file. You do not need to make your mod depend on this mod, however on CurseForge I appreciate if you mark this mod as an optional dependency. Please see Configured mod.toml for an example.

📷 Screenshots:


🙋‍♀️ Need Support or Want to Follow Mod Development:

The comment section isn't great for support, which is why MrCrayfish recommends you join the  Discord community. You can get help installing and configuring mods, resolving crashes and more! Plus you'll also get access to news about mod updates and development (before anywhere else!). Click the banner below to join 🔽